- Victoria Monet Intro 歌詞
- Victoria Monet
- It felt like birth
感覺像重獲新生 We had a careful, meticulous hopeful love, 我們曾有過一份細緻的,一絲不苟的,滿懷憧憬的愛 That led to a hard labor Ignited by heartbreak 但它最終卻成了折磨,焚盡了原本的美好,使我心碎 It felt like birth the way I cried 我嚎啕大哭的樣子如同出生時的嬰兒 In the cold I felt naked and exposed 如同置身在凜冽寒風中,我感到一絲不掛,一切暴露無遺
清醒無比,但卻孤身一人 Awake, alone 迷惑不解,甚至失去了簡單呼吸的能力,僅是呼吸便令我不適 Confused, uncomfortable and incapable of simply breathing 痛苦與美好同時交織 Painful and beautiful at the same time 當我逐漸成長,當我終於認清自己 And when I grew, when I found myself 我明白了,愛並不是人生的全部 I learned I existed still 我終於明白,在那一切之後 I realized that after all... 這是愛後餘生 There is life after love