- LiL BO WEEP Twice (Cover) 歌詞
- Twice I turn my back on you
我第二次與你分道揚鑣 I fell flat on my face but didnt lose 我摔得很慘但我還沒輸 Tell me where would I go 告訴我我該去往何方 Tell me what led you on, Id love to know 我想知道什麼誘惑了你 Was it the blue night gone fragile 是飄渺的幽藍夜空 Was it about the men? 還是那些男人 In wonder steady going under, was it the light ways? 奇蹟般地陷入愛情的泥淖,卻以為那是天堂 So frightening, was it a two wills? 可怖的愛情,是戀人的遺囑 One mirror holding us dearer now 隔著一面鏡牆,我們反倒更加親暱