- Elliot Moss I Heard! 歌詞
- Elliot Moss
- I heard God controls our happiness and our lives
我聽聞神在掌控著我們的快樂與生活 I heard God controls our happiness and our lives 我聽聞神在掌控著我們的快樂與生活 I heard that all you need 我聽聞你翹首以待的 To be famous and successful 是變得功成名就 Is to eat your greens 那就把你的綠色蔬菜吃得一干二淨吧 And get eight quality hours of sleep 然後美美睡上八小時 I heard that all you need 我聽聞你翹首企足的 To live in a beautiful home with large windows that frame the sea 是住在有一扇框住汪洋美景的大窗戶的可愛房屋裡 Is to put in hard work 那就含辛茹苦地工作吧 And speak with others honestly 還要老實地與他人交談 You'll succeed 你將會看到成功的曙光 In all the ways 在所有的方面上 They'll let you thrive 它們會使你大獲全勝的 But remember 但是請銘記 God controls our happiness and our lives 神在掌控著我們的快樂與生命 When you're old and forgetting it all 當你年老體弱把這忘得一干二淨時 You'll reach the horizon to find a wall 你會抵達到地平線覓到一堵屏蔽 And you'll be too tired 但你已力倦神疲 You'll be too tired 精疲力盡 You'll be too tired to climb it 無力再攀岩向上 And all you needed 你翹首企足的 And all you needed 你翹首以待的 And all you needed 你翹首引領的 And all you needed 你夢寐以求的 And all you needed was to make a change in diet 你心嚮往之的是來頓不同尋常的一餐 I heard you'll leave the backs of black SUVs 我聽聞你將會丟棄 Bitten by angry light 那些被怒光所囓噬的黑色SUV的靠背 Photographers will push and fight 攝影師們將相互推搡鬥毆 I heard you'll lose the ones you love 我聽聞你的所愛之物將不翼而飛 As they retreat from the sidelines 於是它們在一旁默默撤退 They'll slink out half-opened doors 他們將從半掩的門縫之中悄然逃走 And you'll have to leave them behind 你將不得不把他們棄之於後 Foreign crowds will swell in neutral slurs 外來的入侵人潮將高漲在中立的毀謗中 And you'll only listen for the dirty words 而你只會熱衷那些臟人臟語 You'll only listen for the dirty words 而你只會聽著那些污穢骯髒的言論 When you're old and forgetting it all 當你年老體弱忘記所有的這一切時 You' ll reach the horizon to find a wall 你會抵達到地平線覓到一堵屏蔽 And you'll be too tired 但你已力倦神疲 You'll be too tired 精疲力盡 You'll be too tired to climb it 無力再攀岩向上 And all you needed 你朝思暮想的 And all you needed 你望穿秋水的 And all you needed 你心嚮往之的 And all you needed 你望眼欲穿的 And all you needed 你垂涎三尺的 And all you needed was to make a change in diet 你翹首追求的是來頓不同尋常的一餐 I heard it isn't worth it at all 我聽聞這根本是不值一哂的 I heard it isn't worth it at all 我聽聞這根本是不值一笑的 I heard it isn't worth it at all 我聽聞這根本是不值一顧的 I heard it isn't worth it at all 我聽聞這根本是不值一談的 It isn't worth it at all 微不足道雞皮蒜毛 I heard god controls our happiness and our lives 我聽聞神在掌控著我們的快樂與生活 I heard god controls our happiness and our lives 我聽聞神在掌控著我們的快樂與生活 I heard god controls our happiness and our lives 我聽聞神在掌控著我們的快樂與生活 I heard god controls our happiness and our lives 我聽聞神在掌控著我們的快樂與生活 I heard god controls our happiness and our lives 我聽聞神在掌控著我們的快樂與生活 I heard god controls our happiness and our lives 我聽聞神在掌控著我們的快樂與生活 I heard... 我聽聞......