- Still Parade actors 歌詞
- Still Parade
- Steal the crown, and your ache will be tender
王冠遺竊內心柔軟處瞬將攻陷 Settle down, when you're starring in your last role 放緩心緒當你排演完最後一個主角時 And I have been around 我已至周遭 And I will guide you down 我將指引你 Tear it out and your luster will be frozen 破繭成蝶熠熠生輝隕落封存 Kept awake, you were choking in your own bed 窒息感已蔓延到床沿 And I have been around 永遠在你身邊 And I will guide you down 我會牽引你 See the ground and I will be your best friend 放眼廣袤之地我屬你獨一知音 Settle down, when you're starring in your last role 行若無事在你走完人生所扮演的角色後