- Jayce Garen Heart 歌詞
- Jayce Garen
- When I'm alone, will you be my reason
我孤獨地前行著,探尋你的踪跡 To move along with the changing seasons 不問四季變遷,滄海桑田 I'm gonna be excepting for your power 我渴望聽見你的呼喚 To find light in that darkness stubborn 在無際的黑暗中,執著地尋找光明 You're my one, my one you know that 你深知,你是我的終生不變的信仰 When I'm lost, you're coming to show me 當我迷失於歧途,唯有你的光輝能將我引領 Who I am is not who I want 殘存的意志,不允許我漫無目的 Whenever you call me 無論何時,你將我呼喚 I'll be here in the moment 我將在旭日破曉之際,來到你身邊 No matter, the journey 無論這段旅程,會將我們引領向何方 I'll be your love 我都將與你攜手共戰,矢志不渝 My pleasure, my weakness 命運鋪就的道路,注定崎嶇不平 Show me that I'm a human 但我們,正為前行而生 No matter, the journey 不論前路荊棘叢生,艱難險阻 I'll be your love 我都將與你攜手共戰,矢志不渝 Whenever you call me 無論何時,你將我呼喚 I'll be your love 我都將與你攜手共戰,矢志不渝 Whenever you call me 哪怕前路漫漫,泥濘難行 I'll be your love 哪顧炎夏寒冬,艱難困阻 When I'm alone, will you be my reason 我孤獨地前行著,探尋你的踪跡 To move along with the changing seasons 不問四季變遷,滄海桑田 I shouldn't have loved your any bit of money of our side, no 我本不該為世俗沉淪,為那迷失的初心 Dungeon your messages of me when you're in need of help 在這寂寥的混沌中,我已聽不見你的呼喚 And you try to seek me 你不顧一切地將我尋找 That I made you do 為我所犯下的,不可彌補的過錯 So will you be here when I sing? 當我高歌之時,你是否會出現在我身畔呢? You're my one, my one you know that 你深知,你是我的終生不變的信仰 When I'm lost, you're coming to show me 當我迷失於歧途,唯有你的光輝能將我引領 Who I am is not who I want 殘存的意志,不允許我漫無目的 Whenever you call me 無論何時,你將我呼喚 I'll be here in the moment 我將在旭日破曉之際,來到你身邊 No matter, the journey 無論這段旅程,會將我們引領向何方 I'll be your love 我都將與你攜手共戰,矢志不渝 My pleasure, my weakness 命運鋪就的道路,注定崎嶇不平 Show me that I'm a human 但我們,正為前行而生 No matter, the journey 不論前路荊棘叢生,艱難險阻 I'll be your love 我將與你攜手共戰,矢志不渝 Whenever you call me 長路漫漫,綿延無盡 I'll be your love 荊棘叢生,道阻且長 Whenever you call me 反抗命運,掙脫禁錮 I'll be your love 堅定信念,勇往直前 Whenever you call me 群星隱曜,困頓寂寥 I'll be your love 心系輝光,無懼黑暗 Whenever you call me 迷霧瀰漫,迷失長夜 I'll be your love 心之所向,指明前途 Whenever you call me 驟雨傾盆,陰風怒號 I'll be your love 不顧風雨,惟有兼程 Whenever you call me 踏遍天塹,走過崎嶇 I'll be your love 心有信仰,無畏坎坷 Whenever you call me 不問險阻,心向光輝 I' ll be your love 攜手共戰,矢志不渝