- Forest Blakk Find Me 歌詞
- Forest Blakk
- I was once told that walking through a doorway could cause someone to forget
有人說,人類像魚:雖然擁有長於7秒的記憶, Even the most precious memories they had 卻總在恍惚之間讓往昔隨風散去 Memories of good, memories of bad, memories of love and of loss 曾經的晴空萬里,曾經的漫天愁雲。曾經的心花怒放,曾經的斷捨離棄。 All tucked away neatly 記憶在心底,靜靜地,蒙塵結痂,靜待開啟 Stored like the worn out blankets that were kept to dress the rainy days 恰如地下室久置的舊毯等待風雨的降臨。 And bad habits that happen from time to time 童言稚語曾經的陋習 Or what it felt like to rest your head on a friends shoulder 相互依偎同友人耳語 That still carries with it the creases from where you last placed your heart 這一切的回憶,我知道,你們仍在我心底。 Just like that 我又不禁想起, Gone within a single step 我看見你穿過記憶的門框, That somehow three beams and an imaginary line drawn across some old aching floorboards 每一步降至的都是我心疼痛的聲音。 Were all that stood between you and the infinite silence 哈哈,這不禁成為你和無限寂靜之間的一切, Of the very things that once colored your mind with sound 一切的一切中那唯一的聲音...... Its funny 念及你,不禁莞爾一笑: You can make yourself believe almost anything if you... 你總是那麼篤定, If you think about it for long enough 認為再三考慮之事定能一錘定音。 (Was that you?).... 這大抵是你?這一定是你。 I was once told that the love I felt beating inside my chest 有人說,我心中翻騰洶湧的濃醇愛意, Was nothing more than my mind playing an unfair trick on my heart 無非是愛神賜予我一場最不公的遊戲, And like a pair of dice dancing along the uneven pavement 恰似篩子在走道上顛簸,你終不知道是幾, Their fate , much like yours or mine had already been decided 唉,我看著萬物的命運,多像我和你間已然塵埃落定。 That even the cracks that drew their faults between two opposing sides 即便上帝塑造的斷層, Could not escape a fate that was always destined to be sealed 也難逃避閉合的命運。 To think 浮世間,又有誰能逃避? That someone could actually believe that the swelling tides of my heart 有人說,我內心深處的熱潮充盈, Were no more than an anxious highway of ins and outs 不過是高速路上的車流湍急, Anchoring my imagination to the castles Ive been building in the sky... 不過是空中樓閣中繁花似錦, Well, maybe 'they' are the crazy ones 行吧,那些才是精彩的人事物。 Then again, I have been known to misplace my hope in the way things fall 我總將希望寄託於已經逝去的美好,比如你, And if I had to confess there stands a greater chance that I have all but lost my mind in here 若我坦誠相告我曾為誰其傾其所有沉淪身心, So I suppose its better off this way 那人也必定是你。我從未悔過愛你。 Because Ive always believed that the odds of finding what you seek 因為我永遠相信找到自己能夠給你終身之需, Tend to favor those who are open to seeking them in the first place 相信機會定會垂青首先尋求它們的人, And I for one have never quite understood how odds stand to get even without that frame in mind 而我本人也從未真正明白,如果沒有那瓣痴心,我們的愛是多難延續。 To be clear 轉而我想到了你離去的背影。我閉上眼睛。你明白嗎? Ive seen a million faces 我曾見若干張面孔, Ive seen a million different faces 若干張不同的面孔, Each one mirroring that of your own 我不敢去說其千篇一律, And still, none of them felt like home to me 卻遠非你笑靨深入我心。 None of them have felt like you 那種怦然心動欣喜若狂,那種踏上歸途的幸福萌動。 So here we are 我笑著流下淚水, And I can vaguely and strangely trace your outline 曾幾何時,我只能模糊於記憶一角追憶你絕美的輪廓? I can remember what it felt like to hold you 我銘記我們指尖相觸的感覺, I can remember what it was like to stare blindly 我銘記你我眼神相依, Into your eyes for what felt like an eternity 我凝視你眼底尋找永恆的愛情。 How could I forget that? 這些我如何能釋懷? I could never forget that 我永遠無法釋懷,我永遠不會忘記, I could never forget you 又怎敢讓時間洪流沖刷你的這一切,我們的朝朝夕夕? No matter how long it takes for my words to make their way 無論我對你的誓言如何翻山越嶺, Through the vastness of this place weve called home 對你的承諾如何披荊斬棘,它定能到達心靈屬地。 I unto you and you unto me 我們將相濡以沫,相敬如賓。 I say them and will continue to do so 我將矢志不渝,堅定不移。 Day after day 我頌著精心準備的誓言和頌歌, Night after night 日復一日,夜以繼日。 Never knowing if youll actually hear them 不見你,我舉足為艱。想見你,我步履不停。 There is no place for time here 白駒過隙, Just overlapping moments where I thought Id found you 堆疊交叉的往日瞬間使我盡力地想你, Where I thought I heard the sound of your breath 那裡夾雜著你的喘息,你的蜜語。 Where I felt your heart as it waited patiently for mine 包括我最卑微的幻想,幻想你也在等待我的光臨, Retracing the steps that we left in the life before last 我一刻不停地順從生命長路的足跡,卻希冀於駕鶴歸去前活出自己。 Before our eyes closed 在我們停止呼吸之前,活得精彩。 Before the great divide 在我們死別生離之前,活得愜意。 Before a doorway stood between you and me 在我們面前隔著巨大的鴻溝、 As it stands 與天塹之前,活著去愛你…… Ive found myself in that doorway again 我張開眼睛,卻發現自己重回到現實的失意。 With both feet in and your heart on my sleeve 冥冥中,我感受得到你的馀溫,你的氣息。 But I cant bring myself to walk through this time 關於你的回憶,我不能忘記。 Not yet at least 趁我還未老,趁你還年輕。 Not until I take one last look and see that it was you 在我最後的一瞥打量你,確認你還是曾經的你, That it was always you 那個韶華滿盈的你。 Our hearts strewn across those old fragile floorboards 我們心田的香氣仍在古舊的記憶之門前氤氳馥郁, The silhouettes of each and every one of our memories 高速離去的幀幀往昔剪影也在懸崖盡頭安然如鏡。 Playing out like a story that we both know weve seen before 我彷彿看見我們之間的,是上弦月漸明, I remember now 是花開朵朵,鳥語花香,十里扶蘇,萬里荷華。 This was where I first found you 我就是在這裡遇見的你,想廝守一生的你。 And beyond those closed doors 在即將關閉的閥門之前, I will find you again 我定會再尋得你, My love 吾愛, I will find you again 我的心裡歸宿, I will find you again 我的所想至極, I will find you... 我會找到你的。