- Steve Tist Oda nobunaga 歌詞
- Steve Tist
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未經允許擅自使用伴奏 後果自負 作為日本歷史上最知名的戰士之一,織田信長也是一位有魅力的領袖。 1560年,他殺害了企圖佔領京都並為日本統一奠定基礎的Yoshimoto Imagawa。他在戰鬥中使用了火器,這在當時是一個新奇的想法。他的死是由他自己的一位將軍,他的將軍,他的一個將軍,他在他所處的寺廟縱火。然而,Nobunaga自殺了,是一種更體面的死亡方式。 One of the most recognisable warrior in Japanese history, Oda Nobunaga was a charismatic leader as well. In 1560, he killed Yoshimoto Imagawa who attempted to take over Kyoto and set the foundation of the unification of Japan. He made use of firearms in battles, a novel idea at the time. His death was from an act of betrayal by one of his own generals, Akechi Mitsuhide, who set fire to the temple he was resting at. However, Nobunaga committed suicide, a more honourable way to die.