- LeoRico 機不可失 歌詞
- LeoRico
- 後期製作:PRC 巴音汗
hook: everyday in outside I ont really nothing in my mind Tell me wealth poor which kind of life Which one shall be your life everyday in outside I ont really nothing in my mind Tell me wealth poor which kind of life Which one shall be your life Verse: 時間好像繩索一般把我困住反鎖 反鎖後的我沒有努力踏過那片沙漠 沙漠裡有個迴響一直不斷提醒著我 孩子清醒迷霧終究會破 該走的路我自己心裡比誰都清楚 銘心刻骨我必造就自我一方樂土 意志迷失像是孤注一擲 現實城市好似弱肉強食 當你看到夢的醒來 我也不會一再徘徊 謝謝你們給的質疑療養我內心惶惶不安 即使長路漫漫且難允許我會磕磕絆絆 酣暢淋漓拼搏過後我也不留下遺憾 hook: everyday in outside I ont really nothing in my mind Tell me wealth poor which kind of life Which one shall be your life everyday in outside I ont really nothing in my mind Tell me wealth poor which kind of life Which one shall be your life Verse: 一切都會好起來的這是媽媽對我說的 看到為我流過的淚對不起這是我錯的 媽媽允許兒子對你說一聲抱歉 抱歉的來源是我對你付出的視而不見 時鐘滴滴答答兒子已過二十年 時刻心裡默念功成名就二十遍 請你放心出人頭地是兒子給你的諾言 不只純為金錢只想為你長臉 爸爸我們的爭吵也許有很多吧 你教我做人的道理我現在領悟啊 你為了我為了家甚麼都是一人扛 有心裡話跟你們講再多苦我也一人償 bridge: 別把大部分時間都浪費在對過去的自怨自艾中不如讓自己涅槃重生 沒有做不好的事只有做不好事的人 hook: everyday in outside I ont really nothing in my mind Tell me wealth poor which kind of life Which one shall be your life everyday in outside I ont really nothing in my mind Tell me wealth poor which kind of life Which one shall be your life