- HyperSlash Monopoly 歌詞
- HyperSlash
- Monopoly
大富翁 Where to start off? 從哪裡開始? Where to end up in the end? 最後在哪裡結束? This is one of the secrets we will never now 這是一個我們不會知道的秘密 We all at the table 我們圍著遊戲桌而坐 Once the cruel game starts 一旦遊戲開始 We are who in the arena and beyond our control 我們都身不由己 But only losers who really tried hard knows 只有那些真的努力過的人才會知道 Seeing from down there 看上去 Destination seem so close 目的地視乎很近 Actually what we are doing 但我們一直在做的卻是無意義的循環 We can't hold back, and keep pushing forward with hope 我們不能退縮了,只能帶著希望前行 is an infinite loop 這是一個無限的循環!
Wo-o-o Wake up! Ready! and Start! Six, five, four, there, two, one 每一步都走得很專注,不要害怕 Consolidate at every step(Dont be scared) 我會用盡全力抽到機會卡牌 I will get the “chance card” (with all my mind) 為了實現每一個夢想 To reality to every dream 前方是死路,而希望就在轉角 The front is a dead end, (hope be turning cape) 只要還有贏的機會你就不會退縮! You know the odds of winning won’t (lead you step back) 你的玩世不恭只是偽裝!
聽天由命的態度也是一樣! Your cynicism is simply a pose 我們反抗,努力,不安! Being natural, too 是因為我們在乎! We inject, trying hard, feeling anxious 我們付出了,希望得到回報! Is all because we care 停! We paid and wanted something in return 即使! Pause 我們被遊戲規則玩弄! ! Even if 即使情況再困難我們都不需要再害怕! ! ! we were playing by the rules 因為 It is not easy but we don't need to be afraid 不要忘記我們手上還有其他卡牌 Cause... 只屬於我們的 Do not forget we have another chips 珍貴的東西 only belong to us 我們在遊戲盤上奔跑著,以勇氣,能量處理一切 Priceless treasure 像骰子一樣舞動著 We run on the Monopoly, Deal with courage, energy 把骰子甩出去,我們會得到比“六”更大的數字,盡情享受這個遊戲吧! Dancing like a dice(Dancing like a dice) Toss the dice, we can get more than six(Just let us enjoy this game) wo-o-o wo-o-o