- Echos Saints 歌詞
- Echos
抱歉,你的故事零碎混亂 Im sorry but you story isnt adding up 你所謂的宗教信仰不過是讓我緘默的謊言 Think your religion is a lie to keep my mouth shut 這樣我便不能指認你一直辯駁的罪名 So I wont testify to crimes youre keeping score of 為何不直接將我推進虎狼之口,這不正如你意? Why dont you throw me to the wolves I thought you were one 你高高在上,像是發怒的神明
逐一指責我的罪行卻只是為了將它們劃去 Youre standing here like an angry god 怪罪我那難以令人信服的俗瑣話語 Counting out my sins just to cross them off 唾棄我那遠不及你的低賤血統 Saying that my tongue was too loud to trust 親愛的,你沒有那麼純潔無辜 And that my blood couldnt keep you 你正嘗試著擺弄天堂的大門
只為無需改變自己的品行 My dear, youre not so innocent 你並非聖人,也不是救世主 Youre fooling Heavens gates 你所展現的景象與理想中的大相徑庭 So you wont have to change 你只是草草翻閱而非忠於聖典 Youre no saint, youre no savior 只有他人追隨你時你才會循規蹈矩
一直扮演著受害者並不是什麼神聖的事 Your revelations dont look nothing like the pictures 你居高臨下,像是憤懣的真主 You read between the lines and dont stick to the scriptures 一遍遍數落著我的惡行卻又將其抹淨 You only follow rules if other follow with you 責備著我虛偽的嘴臉 That doesnt sound so holy, only playing victim 認定我體內流淌的血液配不上高貴的你
親愛的,你沒有那麼神聖無暇 Youre standing here like an angry god 你試著愚弄天堂的大門 Counting out my sins just to cross them off 只想世界為你而改變 Saying that my tongue was too loud to trust 你並非聖子,也不是救星 And that my blood couldnt keep you 將你的審判留給其他人吧,我已承受太多
將你的說教留給其他人吧,我已閉耳不聞 My dear, youre not so innocent 將你的責罰留給其他人吧,我已傷痕累累 Youre fooling Heaven's gates 將你的高傲留給其他人吧,我已麻木不仁 So you wont have to change 親愛的,你罪有應得 Youre no saint, youre no savior 你明可以改變自己
卻為何要擺弄天堂的大門? So keep your judgment for someone else, Ive had enough 你終究不過是個凡人罷了 And keep your judgment for someone else, Ive had enough So keep your judgment for someone else, Ive had enough And keep your judgment for someone else, Ive had enough
My dear, youre not so innocent Youre fooling Heavens gates So you wont have to change Youre no saint , youre no savior