- Michael Lanza Touch 歌詞
- Michael Lanza
- I can tell
我明白 You wish we were somewhere else not here right now 你希望我們此時並不於此地 I can tell 我知道 you just want to say farewell to safe and sound 你是想對安然無恙說聲再見 Even when there's another thing that we endure 即便忍受著其它同樣的瑣事 at least we got each other I' ll put my heart in yours 至少我們邂逅了彼此我對你的愛忠貞不渝 Close her eyes feel her breathing her body's dancing to loves beat 輕閉你的雙眼呼吸你的呼吸感受你肉體盎然的愛意 slowing time down is so easy when we reach out and touch 當我們伸手觸及彼此時光陰駐足 Rise above it all 將一切置之腦後 I'm feeling something I don't know what 我正感受著我未曾知曉的 But I think I'll know if we touch 可觸碰使我有所了解 Guide you through it all 彷若柒星為你指明 I'm feeling something I don't know what 我正求索著我未曾涉足的 But I think I'll know if we touch 但是觸摸使我有所頓悟 Yesterday 從前 All the troubles I saw you go through were so unkind 我目睹的溝壑無情地把你磕絆 Nowadays 如今 All the things you wished were dead and gone are hard to find 你所渴求的事物都銷聲匿跡難覓踪影 Even when there's another thing that we endure 即便承受著其餘類似的煩惱 at least we got each other I'll put my heart in yours 至少我們擁有了彼此我對你的愛綿延不絕 Close her eyes feel her breathing her body's dancing to loves beat 輕合你的星眸捕捉你的吞吐深掘你皮下橫流的韻律 slowing time down is so easy when we reach out and touch 伸手相互撫摸之際時間停滯不前 Rise above it all 將一切拋之九霄 I'm feeling something I don't know what 我正感受著我未曾知曉的 But I think I'll know if we touch 可觸碰使我有所了解 Guide you through it all 猶若北斗鋪就坦途 I'm feeling something I don't know what 我正求索著我未曾涉足的 But I think I'll know if we touch 但是觸摸使我有所頓悟 Rise above it all 逾越所有 I'm feeling something I don't know what 感受未知 But I think I'll know if we touch 觸摸使我深諳 Guide you through it all 使路平坦 I'm feeling something I don't know what 感受未知 But I think I'll know if we touch 觸摸你混沌開