- 譚響TanX love yourself(part.2) 歌詞
- 譚響TanX
- Love Yourself(Part.2)
作詞:Tan,LD 作曲:Tan 編曲:Tan Tan: I know I know I need to to call myself and talk to whatever happens what you do you need to love yourself you need to love yourself 給我自己打電話 好的壞的都放下 把我心裡所有的想法和顧慮當垃圾全都作罷 所有一切都放大 跟著內心大步跨 不能確定的選擇就閉上雙眼跳入海底別害怕 按照計劃做著 難免也有挫折 所有一切說的默默一直不停做著自己生活的作者 睡前又聽了一首歌 希望也能像russ那樣酷的 所有人聽著歌詞附和 當你一眼就能記住的過客 每個人都有不同的看法 消極或積極的辦法 有時分辨不了對錯 那就用旋律和歌詞與自己對話 說會把所有都記住 每一次錯過的都計數 把你覺得壞的都彌補 空手砌築保留最後的庇護 話到一半又閉口 手機打的字刪除了放手 把自尊拋到腦後 放下身段腳步慢慢跟著幻覺亂轉 all right 其實不用害怕 all right 安慰自己放下 oh yeah 沒什麼大不了的就給自己打個電話 Tan: I know I know I need to to call myself and talk to whatever happens what you do you need to love yourself you need to love yourself I know I know I need to to call myself and talk to whatever happens what you do you need to love yourself you need to love yourself LD: The time flows 在轉動的時針裡都看透 那些人的勸阻我都不接受 千變萬化的形式掌控著節奏 oh no chillin in the soho 用心做出的東西讓人say wow 欲罷不能的感覺不能收手 低頭祈禱naughty boi能有更多人follow 需要更多新鮮事物的刺激 也時常迷失著自己yeah lose myself,but right now 那麼for the good life記住good time 跟你說一聲good night cash till I die 在這幾個八里遨遊巴黎 不斷練習降落回到家裡 把好的lyrics都記在心裡yeah 每天都work hard for the money grow up with my homie yeah 試過貧窮的滋味想要金錢更多些 現實的社會讓你妥協 put my soul 還有我的一切 混沌的世界誰還故作靦腆 都別擋路whatcha gonna do 一腳踹開家裡為我種好的樹 撥開迷霧種下了money trees Ima dreamer man how you feel right now don't hate youself I love myself dont worry the money iscoming the money is coming Tan: I know I know I need to to call myself and talk to whatever happens what u do you need to love yourself you need to love yourself I know I know I need to to call myself and talk to whatever happens what u do you need to love yourself you need to love yourself 打破所有的框架 穿著破爛的裝甲 色彩斑斕的妝下 不被別人知道的全部裝下 繞了一圈又回到 荊棘密佈著的小道 屍骨遍地把我圍繞 蜂擁而來的恐懼充斥著大腦 I cant take it no more 另一個聲音在我耳邊說這 不是你應該擁有或經歷的 精力應該放在別處遠離禁閉 筋疲力盡what i want? 受足夠了體無完膚run and run 看看自己衣服都脫光 love yourself 不用繼續再假裝 I know I know I need to to call myself and talk to whatever happens what you do you need to love yourself you need to love yourself I know I know I need to to call myself and talk to whatever happens what you do you need to love yourself you need to love yourself