- A Hero Forms (feat. J.T. Machinima) 歌詞 TryHardNinja
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- TryHardNinja A Hero Forms (feat. J.T. Machinima) 歌詞
- TryHardNinja
- Out of dark a hero forms
一位英雄從暗夜中誕生了 Citys knight that serves no throne 孤城的騎士,恪盡職守,身無榮勳 Saves a life for every ghost 為悉數的亡魂,他挽救著生命 That still haunts him in his bones 它們依舊盤踞在他的心頭
陳年的咎責,舊債當收 To the past owes a penance 人們的深淵即他的複仇 Peoples hole is his vengeance 當日影消失於天穹 When the sun fades from the sky 一線指明之光穿透黑暗 Through the black shines a beacon 棲息家中,心魔環伺 Right at home among demons 正義難分對亦錯 Justice fails whats wrong or right 並不總是黑白分明 Isnt always black and white 一位英雄從暗夜中誕生了 Out of dark a hero forms 孤城的騎士,恪盡職守,身無榮勳 Citys knight that serves no throne 為悉數的亡魂,他挽救著生命 Saves a life for every ghost 它們依舊盤踞在他的心頭 That still haunts him in his bones 一位英雄從暗夜中誕生了 Out of dark a hero forms 孤城的騎士,恪盡職守,身無榮勳 Citys knight that serves no throne 為悉數的亡魂,他挽救著生命 Saves a life for every ghost 它們依舊盤踞在他的心頭 That still haunts him in his bones 令世界寒冰消融 Let the world be unfrozen 令它遠離毒害,漸趨繁盛 Let it grow without poison 願他永不屈從,永不消亡 May he keep up from demise 無詩無歌的英雄 The hero with no anthem 一個幻影從恐懼中誕生了 Out of fear born a phantom 當黑暗壓制了光明 When the dark conquers the light 他將從廢墟殘垣中崛起 From the wreckage he will rise 一位英雄從暗夜中誕生了 Out of dark a hero forms 孤城的騎士,恪盡職守,身無榮勳 Citys knight that serves no throne 為悉數的亡魂,他挽救著生命 Saves a life for every ghost 它們依舊盤踞在他的心頭 That still haunts him in his bones 一位英雄從暗夜中誕生了 Out of dark a hero forms 孤城的騎士,恪盡職守,身無榮勳 Citys knight that serves no throne 為悉數的亡魂,他挽救著生命 Saves a life for every ghost 它們依舊盤踞在他的心頭 That still haunts him in his bones 當夜幕垂落 When the night falls 靈魂的另一面剝開禮服 Theres a second face that shows 而今街道淪為貪婪鴉群的餌食 Streets are now feed for the crows,Yeah 當夜幕垂落 When the night falls 魔鬼從他的靈魂中甦醒 There are devils in his soul 驅使他拯救我們眾人 That drive him to save us all 當夜色降臨 When the night falls 生活日趨黯淡無光,長夜難明
我乃阿卡姆騎士的頭號目標 /The days grow darker bringin longer nights/ 我見識了太多的罪惡,它們蠶食了哥譚的生命 And im the number one target of the arkham knight 啟動汽車,又該發動一場新的追逐 Ive seen a lot of crime cost a lot of Gotham lives 我成為了一名黑闇騎士 Start the car up AL time to take another ride 不是父親曾期盼的善良人 Ive become a darker knight 我戴上的面具,承載它變得愈加艱難 Not the kind father would want 似鷹隼的目光,我如鳥般從天空監視著 The mask i put on is only getting harder to done 如果你向我提到布魯斯韋恩 The eyes of a hawk im watchin like a bird in the sky “我從來沒聽說過這個傢伙” And if you mention Bruce Wayne 一位英雄從暗夜中誕生了 /Ive never heard of the guy/ 孤城的騎士,恪盡職守,身無榮勳
為悉數的亡魂,他挽救著生命 Out of dark a hero forms 它們依舊盤踞在他的心頭 Citys knight that serves no throne 一位英雄從暗夜中誕生了 Saves a life for every ghost 孤城的騎士,恪盡職守,身無榮勳 That still haunts him in his bones 為悉數的亡魂,他挽救著生命 Out of dark a hero forms 它們依舊盤踞在他的心頭 Citys knight that serves no throne 喔,救世主和暗影相掩相融 Saves a life for every ghost 他遠去了,他遠去了…… That still haunts him in his bones 被摒棄的這條道路,荒蕪崎嶇,狹窄難行 Oh the savior cloaked in the shadow 繼續前進,前進,前進 He's gone,Hes gone The road deserted twisted and narrow Drive on,Drive on,Drive on