- Dan Bull A Purpose for New London 歌詞
- Dan Bull
- (FAITH:the Stupendium)
(信仰:the Supendium) (ORDER:Dan Bull) (秩序:Dan Bull) (song by the Stupendium & Dan Bull) (有興趣請一定要關注這兩個寶藏歌手!)
the Stupendium: Gather brothers,gather sisters 呼喚兄弟召集姊妹 Soothe your blisters by the fire 讓火焰緩和你們的凍皰 Though our bones may ache and groan 即使劇痛深入呻吟著的骨髓 We know our spirits never tire 我們也知精神永不疲憊 The temperatures low 氣溫低下 But our purpose is much higher 但我們志向高遠 Whats behind us mustnt blind us 被淘汰之物也無法遮蔽我們 To DIVINENESS that transpires 神聖不可侵犯的意願 Now her spires have expired 現在她的塔尖已然隕落 Well she rests in each of you 但她棲息於諸位身上 Londons not a place 倫敦不止是個地名 It wasnt left beneath our boots 它不該被我們的步伐落下 And by grace we have been blessed 蒙承恩慧的我們邁向聖光 With that most elegant of truth 帶著至高的真諦 You stand here not abandoned 站在此處未被拋棄 But as testament and proof 正是她的遺志與證明 For a city is its people 城市由人民組成 And its people are its heart 而人民便是它的核心 Stood together gainst the weather 肩並肩抗擊氣候 Gainst the coming of the dark 迎戰即將降臨的黑暗 Neer a LANTERN has been lit 天燈尚未被燃起 With oh so righteous a spark 只需一抹正義的火花 When providence claimed continents 天道奪走了生存的大陸 But provided us an ark 但賜予了我們一艘方舟 Dan Bull: We moved north 我們向北遷去 As awful forceful storms 因為可怖的強烈風暴 Removed borders 拆除了邊境線 Forced to leave the warmth behind 被迫把溫床拋棄在後 The daylight hour grew shorter 日光的照耀時間不斷縮短 Unable to read at night 夜晚再也不能閱讀 The people might dispute lawbooks 人民也許開始質疑法典 Ushering the death of joy 造成了可笑的犧牲 Division made a new order 分裂鑄就了新秩序 BRUTE 野蠻 FORCE 殘暴 AND 與 DISCIPLINE 懲戒 Ensures all the citizens 確保全體市民 Are chipping in sufficiently 投入了足夠的身心 Under threat of imprisonment 身居監禁的脅迫之下 Libertys prohibited 自由被明令禁止 Retired 再不返場 Its mandatory compliance now 現在強制讓各位順從 To keep the fire alight 為了不讓火光失色 We need to stamp any defiance out 我們需要踩滅違抗者的氣焰 We can ill afford the price 我們負擔不起 Of human rights 人權的價格 Nor pay the cost of anger 也無法償還憤怒的代價 So we stifle scrutinising eyes 所以我們要閉上民眾審視的雙眼 Astray with propaganda 用宣傳資料引其邁回正軌 The only way that we can pull through 渡過難關的唯一出路 Is under cruel rule 就是用暴令鎮壓 If a single person falls out of line 但凡一個人在這時掉隊,那 WE ALL DO 我們一起完蛋 FAITH: Morning gathering or evening prayer 無論晨禮或晚禱 We still battle for a season fair 我們仍在與季節作鬥爭 We still huddle in the freezing air 我們仍在寒風中蜷縮著 For a summer thats not even there 只為無法觸及的夏日 ORDER: If that sun wont rise on our horizon 若是太陽不再從地平線上升起 Well march on to spite the skies 我們也會無視蒼穹的壓迫繼續前進 And find that wheel of progress,so well worn 並找到推動歷史的真正車輪,那時 Brought us no shelter from the storm 破舊的事物無法給予我們抵御風暴的庇護 the Stupendium: I have heard 我聽說 That there are those 那裡有些人 Who would defy us 公然向我們反抗 Whod choose oppression 他們寧可壓迫民眾 Oer ascension for the pious 也不願帶著虔誠之心飛升解脫 Dissidents without repent 一意孤行的異教徒們 Are bent on questioning the dias 一心只想質疑神諭 Twisted iron fist pariahs 扭曲的鐵腕政策控制了賤民們 And their heretic MESSIAH 大肆宣傳自己異端的“救世主” Winter blizzards to infinity 冬日暴雪將成為永恆 So sing the hymns and litanies 所以快高頌讚美詩和禱文 Hand in and skin the sinners 繳獲並剝開罪人之臉皮 If you wish to skim divinity 如果你想知曉神性 Each shiver will deliver us 每聲寒噤都是一次解脫 Deliverance in time 救贖將按時判決 Burn the innocents for penitence 為了贖罪而焚燒無辜 If we preempt the crime 畢竟我們急需先發製人 Im protector of the truth 吾是真理的捍衛之人 Great erector of the new faith 新教的偉大先驅者 Defectors and Objectors 背叛者與反對者 Can expect a second doomsday 盡情期盼二次審判日的到來吧 Unquestioning our destiny 不要質疑我們背負的使命 Relentless we pursue fate 儘管我們追尋的命運殘酷不堪 Alone I have been chosen 我獨自被上蒼選中 To be spoken through by TRUE GRACE 只為向你們傳達真正的福音 Frozen Omens say 霜凍之兆啟諦 We should invoke another crusade 我們需發起另一次十字軍東征 Dan Bull: We rush to crush dissent 我們猛攻只為摧毀異議 From those who claim we must repent 他們只會宣稱我們必須懺悔 How could a benevolent god 若上帝如此慈愛 Subject us to such events 怎會把我們墜入冰窟 Against the elements 抵抗自然的風雨 Precious seconds 珍貴的時間 Each of us has spent 已被我們消耗殆盡 Completing pulic penance 在公眾中推行苦修 Could have been invested 這股熱情不如投入進 Putting up the tents 支起又一頂帳篷 Pragmatisms borne of pessimism 實用主義確是悲觀主義的產物 Not a full blown pestilence 但不會讓無用成為瘟疫 Infecting desperate residents 感染絕望的民眾 With false hope 患上虛渺的希望 Now theyve sworn oaths 現在他們已經宣誓 And pledged commitment to a cult 並保證會為了禮拜而獻身 No mercy will be shown 那就不要展現寬恕 Or quarter given 也不要給出片刻 FETCH 抓住 THE 這根 COILED 繞頸 ROPE 之繩 And hang them by the necks 然後把他們的脖頸高高吊起 Until its taut 直至繩索繃緊 The lesson learned is certain: 得到的教訓非常明確: No forgiveness for giving attention 沒有仁慈與諒解能給予那些只注意 To those worthless sermons 毫無價值的佈道之人 No measure of faith 信仰沒有任何的手段 Will keep you warm 能為你保暖 Or sate your appentite 或填飽肚子 So pray heed the warning 所以祈禱者留心我們的警告 Or we may just have to tax your life 不然我們只能讓你們拿命抵稅 FAITH: Morning gathering or evening prayer 不管朝拜還是夜祈 We still battle for a season fair 我們依舊和這季節有一場公開鬥爭 We still huddle in the freezing air 我們依舊裹緊在空氣中凍結的身子 For a summer thats not even there 只為了甚至可能不存在於終末的夏日 ORDER: If that sun wont rise on our horizon 如果陽光不再從水平線邊透出 Well march on to spite the skies 我們就將向著蒼穹不斷進軍 And find that wheel of progress ,so well worn 轉動持續發展的車輪,即使 Brought us no shelter from the storm 疲憊者無法再遮蔽我們遠離風雪 FAITH: NOW THE BOOKS OF LAWS HAS CLOSED 現在法律之書已然關閉 AND ITS PAGES SHINE A LIGHT 而它的頁碼閃過最後的光輝 AS THE PEOPLE FILL THE SHRINES 正當在聖地齊聚一堂的人們 IN LINE WITH MY DIVINE RIGHT 帶著我神聖的權利依次入場 THIS BATTLEMENT OF SACRAMENTS 這莊嚴的聖城 AS CHATTEL TO OUR RITE 是我們禮拜的私人場所 THE SACRILEGIOUS AND RECALCITRANT 褻神者和冥頑者 SHALL VOW OR FACE THE SMITE 再不立誓就將面對折磨 NON BELIEVERS SHANT DECEIVE US 無神論者別想欺騙我們 WE SHALL GREET THEIR CHEEK 我們會親吻他們的臉頰 WITH GRIEVANCE 帶走他們的訴苦 IN THIS CEASELESS SEASON 在這無止境的冬季 WE REDEEM THE MEEK WITH BLEAK OBEDIENCE 我們會挽救忍耐著寒冷的信徒 SEEKING EACH UNHEEDING HEATHEN 找出每位不以為然的無信仰者 SEE THEM BLEED OR PLEAD ALLEGIANCE 看他們選擇流血還是宣誓效忠 BLESSED BE RELIEF FROM FREEDOM 幸福地被聖光帶往自由 LEST YOU FEEL THE NEED FOR TREASON 讓你們免受背叛的痛苦 SINCE THE PRECEPT WAS DECREED 此時箴言便是命令 ITS CERTAINTY WAS PREDETERMINED 明顯它是天選之道 MERE HERDS OF SHEEP ARE PEOPLE 人民僅僅是群羔羊 THUS THEY NEED TO BE SUBSERVIENT 所以他們只需要變得恭順 NEATH SO TURBULENT A FIRMAMENT 如此暴亂之上定有上蒼 THE WORST OF MEN SURVIVE 罪孽滔天之人也可存活 PRAY THEIR MERCY MAY PRESERVE US 願他們的仁慈的護佑我們 ONCE WE TOUCH THE OTHER SIDE 能觸摸到世界的另一頭 ORDER: NOW THE BOOKS OF LAWS HAS CLOSED 如今定罪的法典無需打開 YOUVE NO HOPE TO TRY AND FIGHT 你們已經沒有嘗試抵抗的希望了 AS THE PEOPLE FALL IN LINE 此時人們排成一列 AND MARCH IN TIME WITH IRON MIGHT 帶著鋼鐵般的意志準時行軍 NON BELIEVERS SHANT DECEIVE US 沒有哪種信徒能欺騙我們 WE SHALL GREET THEIR CHEEK 我們會痛擊他們的臉龐 WITH GRIEVANCE 發洩我們的不滿 IN THIS CEASELESS SEASON 在這無休止的冬季 WE REDEEM THE MEEK WITH BLEAK OBEDIENCE 我們會讓教徒服從地履行義務 SEEKING EACH UNHEEDING HEATHEN 搜尋每位不以為意的異教徒 SEE THEM BLEED OR PLEAD ALLEGIANCE 看他們感到同情還是懇求效勞 BLESSED BE RELIEF FROM FREEDOM 輪班者無需可惡的自由 LEST YOU FEEL THE NEED FOR TREASON 以免你們變得渴望叛國 SINCE THE PRECEPT WAS DECREED 因為法令頒布判決 ITS CERTAINTY WAS PREDETERMINED 的確早已明文規定 MERE VERMIN ARE THE PEOPLE 人民純粹是種蛀蟲 THUS THEY NEED TO BE SUBSERVIENT 因此他們必須要學會屈服 THEY DESERVE PATERNAL LEADERSHIP 他們應受強制性的領導 ETERNALLY PRESCRIPTIVE 永遠受到規範指示 TURN ALEAF IN THE JOURNAL 翻開一頁期刊開始瀏覽 WEEP AS YOU READ THE SCRIPTURES 痛哭流涕地閱讀經文 THE BOOKS OF LAWS IS CLOSED 法律之書已經關閉 ITS FROZEN SHUT 它被嚴寒凍結封閉 AND COULDNT THAW 也無法融解至溫和 BUT SHOULD THE STORM SUBSIDE 但一旦風暴平息 IT MIGHT BE TIME TO WRITE A COUPLE MORE 也許正是重新編寫更多的時機
Dan Bull
Generation Gaming XX: The Next Generation (Gaming)
Dan Bull
> Spider Man Villain Cypher (feat. Dan Bull, RAPKNIGHT, Louverture, The Kevin Bennett, Pe$o Pete, GODZtheDon, Omega Sparx, Mix Williams, Freeced, Delta
> I've Got a Bone (Oxygen Beats Remix)
> I've Got a Bone
> Squadrons
> Ol' Dirty Bastion
> Technoshock
> I'm the King of the Castle (CastleStorm Song)
> The Outer Worlds
> I've Got a Bad Feeling
> Mando
> I'm a Zombie
> Steamworld Quest (The Epic Rap of Gilgamech)
> Borderborderborderborderborderborderborderborderborderborderborderborderlands 3
> Super Smash Bros Confession
> Ancestors (Acapella)
> Apex Predator
> Borderborderborderborderborderborderborderborderborderborderborderborderlands 3
> Hunters (feat. Dan Bull, Schäffer The Darklord & Izzy Deluxe)
> Sombra of '69
> Magic: The Swaggering (Acapella)
> I'm a Zombie (Acapella)
> I'm a Zombie
> World of Warships
> Steamworld Quest (The Epic Rap of Gilgamech)
> There Is No Certainty In Flesh but Death
> Zarya Codes (Acapella)
> All in the Family (Acapella)
> Life Is Strange
> Everything Is Fading (Acapella)
> So Fly
- Dan Bull
> To Valhalla (Assassins Creed Valhalla Rap)
> Fractured Bones (Boneworks Rap)
> Samurai Night (Ghost Of Tsushima Rap)
> Zarya Codes (Overwatch Rap)
> Return of Django Reinhardt (Overwatch Rap)
> One Day Ill Be OK (Sea of Solitude Rap Song)
> Borderborderborderborderborderborderborderborderborderborderborderborderlands 3 (Borderlands 3)
> The Outer Worlds
> 20 Years of Resident Evil
> Left 4 Dead