- suisei right now 歌詞
- suisei
- Girl I see you over here, but your man is over there, I can see him calling you right now
女孩我看到你了但你的現任正在呼喚你我只能在原地觀望 There ain' t no love in the air, you don't really fu*king care 你並不在乎你們看起來毫無情人的氛圍 You're just feeling kinda lonely 即使你內心孤獨 Girl tell me if I'm wrong, that you've been right all along 如果我錯了從前的你便一定正確嗎? Please just tell me what you feel right now 有了他的陪伴 你難道不該仍舊感到無可言說的寂寞嗎? Tell me right now 現在對我說實話好嗎? I'm faded I'm jaded, I'm falling apart 我在尋找真相的路上疲憊不堪心也四分五裂 Got me all up in my feelings we fight in the car 我們經常在旅途中為了一些小事爭執不休 Are you gonna miss me when I'm dead? 如果我徹底從世上消失你會不會想起我為你所做的一切? And look for me when I go M.I.A? 或者在我去邁阿密時奔赴前來找我? I know that you gone say “there ain't no way” 我知道你用“我們已經回不去了”來拒絕我 But I just wanna get you out my head, my head 但是我無法克制地想你意識被你佔據 Lately I've been passing time 最近總是麻木地註視時間流逝 With a bottle of wine 連杯中紅酒也倒映著你的影子 Are we done for now? 我們是真的結束了吧? Maybe I just need some company 可能我只是陷入了暫時性的孤獨 Cuz I got nobody where you should've been 因為我再沒碰上一個如你這般的人 But I'm done of trying 但我不想耗費精力繼續找了 I just wanna go back home tonight 今晚我只想回到還留有你氣息的房間 You said you're into me 你說你走進了我的內心 Turned to my enemy 驅散我的痛苦 Think of what could've been 想起我們過去給未來畫的藍圖 Think of a wedding ring 想起我們白頭偕老的婚姻誓言 But you stabbed my back left me out in the cold 但你背叛了我剩我一人在這徒留回憶的冰窖中 You'd rather aim for nothing walking blind with no goal 你總是搖擺不定按意願行事 Said one thing just a minute ago 心思難以捉摸 Quick to change your mind feelslike I've been here before 我總是在適應你快速轉變的想法 Deja vu when I stare at your soul 當我觸碰到你的靈魂好似一見如故 The old one took mine away when she walked out my door 她離開的同時帶走了靠著愛意積極生活的我 The hate, getting stronger every day that I live 從那天起我的惱恨一直不可遏止地滋長 Too late, ain't no saving me so just let me be 現在說什麼都為時已晚那就到此為止吧 Depression finna takes me by 24 抑鬱充斥著我的24歲 There's no point, just let me go 讓我離開吧停留在這裡毫無意義 Away, I got no place that I can call home 找不到讓我想與她共度一生的人 The rain, pouring harder than I used to know 大約是情感作祟雨點敲打的聲音好像比以往更強烈 The pain, feeling much worse now I cannot cope 我不能直面這逐漸加深的痛苦 So imma let go hope nobody catch my fall 所以我放棄面對了自願墜入深淵沒人可以挽救 Lately I've been passing time 最近總是麻木地註視時間流逝 With a bottle of wine 連杯中紅酒也倒映著你的影子 Are we done for now? 我們是真的結束了吧? Maybe I just need some company 可能我只是需要有誰給我溫暖和陪伴吧 Cuz I got nobody where you should've been 或許是因為任何人都不能夠替代你 But I'm done of trying 怎麼辦呢自你走後我實在對其他女孩毫無耐心 I just wanna go back home tonight 今晚我想讓情緒肆意蔓延為了在夢裡見你一面