- Token Momma's Favorite Chair 歌詞
- Token
在家裡,luo著身子造次,甚至坐在媽咪最喜歡的椅子上!! I sit in my home, butt naked, in my mama's favorite chair 手裡握著一支鉛筆準備在小本本上發洩累積已久的怨念 With a pencil and a pad and a lot of hate to share 寫不出那些正能量爆棚的詞語 With no morals to go through 我跟Glass講要他想一些好到貓咪都張開嘴歡呼的鬼作品 I just told Glass to produce something I can grab a s**t talking *****'s throat too 我有惡魔一般的怒氣,我尋求腎上腺素飆升的感覺 I fiend for anger, I seek the adrenaline more 我把人們當傻來對待,以此換來他們看傻的眼神,這樣我就能發怒激發我更多靈感寫出更硬的句子 I treat people like s**t to get treated like s**t so I can get mad and write another verse I won't ever record 但我馬上覺得厭倦了,轉頭把它們扔掉,可我打賭那些垃圾仍舊比你們的作品高出一籌 Then I get bored and trash 'em and I bet they're still better than yours 你沒有哪一點值得我尊重吧? What would I respect you for? 把心思花在你身上就像是在街邊小妞身上投入過多的精力 There ain' t no better metaphor to address you more than attention whore 你就像專業小妞被老闆玩弄 Industry slut, getting plugged like an extension cord by the boss 現在我的脾氣就像七個小矮人身高,非常短缺 Now my temper's like the seven dwarfs, hella short 我從未浪費時間去宣揚仇恨 Never before have I spent my time preaching hate 而我是個陷於仇恨的17歲吃貨少年 But I'm a 17 year old who stays inside and eats all day 當我跑題了,我就會對自己重拳出擊直到滿臉是xie I ran out of topics so I punch myself 'til I got a bleeding face 寫段詞來緩解疼痛的感覺 Then write a verse to alleviate the freaking pain 我的嫩臉被挨了幾拳,我得去醫院看看 Like yeah I got socked in the face, I'm going to the hospital 事實上,我只去冰箱找了個巧克力冰棒 Really I go to the freezer for a chocolate Popsicle 想要再次當遵紀守法的社會人是不可能的了 It's impossible for me to be social again 現在我滿腦子都是自己硬氣的flow,他們瞧不起我 All I talkabout is rap, and they don't give a s**t 對了 They ain't amused 別在我的年級裡耍橫,我才是扛把子的 Please stop assuming in my grade, I'm cool 我是學校裡身著黑色套裝人見人惡的怪人 I'm a weirdo in all black who everyone hates at school 那就是為什麼當你說你仰慕我時,我還滿臉疑惑 That's why when you say you look up to me, I remain confused 我覺得他們可能是認為我馬上要紅了 The only folks I chill with do it 'cause they think I'ma be famous soon 你們開始給我指手畫腳“這樣那樣”,“那樣這樣” And y'all wanna give me tips, this that, that this, market like this 我保證你們要有麻煩臨頭了 I promise you'll attract masses 兄弟,那可太愚蠢了 Man that's mad average 趕緊分享我發的視頻,記住給我開個話題討論否則你的小命不保 I say share my video or I'll ******' kill you, you can hashtag that s**t 毫無猶豫地開始我新的一天 I start my day with no hesitation 起床,看“Sam&Cat”,然後擦擦我的小槍 I wake up, watch Sam and Cat, jack off 嗑yao,給同齡人洗腦 And I'm medicated to brainwash my generation 我個17歲的小屁孩有著40歲老男人成熟的思維,幹他們從來沒做成功過的事情 I'm 17 with the mentality of a pissed off 40 year old who never made it 我媽說我有志向,我製作人說我是蠢貨 My mom calls it ambition, my producer calls it stupid 我老師說“快坐下來,別嚇著孩子們” My teacher calls it 'Sit the hell down and stop scaring the students' 我的迷妹們說這就是激情,我的朋友們都還可能對這事一無所知 My fans call it passion, my friends don't know I have it likely 我的心理醫生說“能放過我了嗎? ” My psychologist calls it 'Can you please untie me?' 不可能!我說過我要一直製造麻煩 No! I told you, I wanna be staying in trouble 我對醫生說我非常不謙遜這一點感到生氣 I'm just mad my engineer said that I ain't really humble 我要做的就是說唱,成為這個圈子中的大人物,現在看來,是的咯 All I did was rap about being the best, now it's true 告訴他當我準備離開,就得給我彎腰鞠躬 Then told him to bow down when I stepped out the booth 出了什麼問題?要我給你張手帕嗎? What the ****'s the issue? You want a ******* tissue? 就因為我捶了你一下,你就哭哭啼啼 Cry about it while I ** ***** hit you 別再嚷嚷著要和我切磋,我是個說唱歌手,但你不配得到我的攻擊和侮辱 And stop asking to battle, just 'cause I'm a rapper doesn't mean I love to diss you 你越哭,我就越會把你往si裡捶,踹的你爬不起來就像粗暴的柔術 I'll just continue to punch and kick you like it's rough jujitsu 我隨手扔下一個韻腳,它不會錯過你 When I throw a punch, I ain't gonna miss you 你落荒而逃,我的攻擊仍舊不會放過你 You'll end up running away, and I still won't ******' miss you 自從我釋出了“Talk To you”這個單曲,女孩們就開始關注我了 And ever since I released 'Talk To You,' teen girls begun to care for me 但她們不知道我是個有著40歲男人成熟思維的小孩 But they don't know I'm just a 40 year old with a rare disease