- Shivaree Daring Lousy Guy 歌詞
- Shivaree
- Your bones are going to be disconnected
你的骨頭就快要散架 You daring lousy guy 膽大的壞傢伙 Your throat is going to be exploded 你的喉嚨就快被撐爆 And i'm still being shy 我還是很羞怯 I've been scared shitless too much lately 近來我陷入了極度的恐懼之中 Right now there's one thing i can say 現在我只能說 I'm so unsatisfied to be killed this way 我不滿足於就這樣被殺死 You daring lousy guy 膽大的壞傢伙 Your big face went and hurt my instep 你碩大的臉龐湊過來弄傷了我的足背 And i feel very cold 我感到陣陣寒意 Just what gives you the nerve to die here 到底是什麼讓你有勇氣葬身於此 End my game and fold 結束我的遊戲收拾一下 It's the same old rules no eyes no groin 老規矩拿走眼睛與腹股溝 I'm gonna spank you without pants 我會脫下你的褲子打你 And fire aimlessly if you don't come out 漫無目的地開火直到你出來 You daring lousy guy 膽大的壞傢伙
你我為何讓我如此抑鬱消沉 Why do you give me a depression 你的吻像磁帶般 Your kisses are like tape 將我打得面目全非 Try to beat me out of recognition 我會將你敲打成形 I'll beat you into shape 好吧他們可無法拯救泰坦尼克號 Well they couldn't bail out the titanic 所以將我的內臟當作禮物吧 So just use my insides as a gift 希望他們可以聞到你房間的味道 And i hope that they smell your room up 膽大的壞傢伙 You daring lousy guy 膽大的壞傢伙 You daring lousy guy 膽大的壞傢伙 You daring lousy guy