- Vektor Charging the Void 歌詞
- Vektor
- (I think I'm losing my mind)
(我快要喪失理智了) Blasting forward through a filamentous sky 在空中急速前行天幕拉伸如絲 Beckoned by the flash of exploding light 被超新星爆炸的光輝所吸引 My soul crosses over the great divide 我的靈魂越過那巨型裂隙 Charging the void 沖向虛空 Isolated, I 've been redeployed 孤身一人, 我被重新部署 A rider on the crest 騎士踏足峰巔 Carry forth or plummet to death 唯有繼續前進亦或墜落而死 Autopilot function has been overridden 憤然篡權改寫自動駕駛系統 For isolation subjects, choice has been forbidden 作為隔離實驗品, 原本別無選擇 But death and destruction are what I' ve been given 但我的命運早已既定為死亡與毀滅 Charging the void 衝入虛空 Isolated, I've been redeployed 孤立無援, 我已被放逐 A rider on the crest 騎士踏足峰巔 Carry forth or plummet to death 唯有繼續前進亦或墜落而死 Particles known only in theory, within my grasp 僅存於理論中的粒子, 我已瞭如指掌 Entering the cloud of the exploded mass 進入恆星爆炸物的雲層中 To live is to die, disjunction seals our fate 生存即是死亡,脫節的二分法決定了我們的命運 So many tyrants lie, pleading at the gates 多少暴君彌留之際, 在門前苦苦哀求 Regimes at an end with policies left to amend 宏圖偉業尚未完成, 便已迎來終結 Where would the future lie if regimes had time to bide 倘若他們擁有足夠時間, 未來又會如何? So bring unto me, morbid mastery 所以請給予我, 無窮的偉力 I shall revoke the throne atop the stellar tree 我會廢除佔據星系頂端的那尊王座 I choose a different path from those now dead in the mire 我選擇與那些死在泥潭中的統治者們截然不同的道路 They could not wield the flame of life. To which, now I conspire 他們沒能支配生命之火, 而我即將謀取這烈焰 I charge the void 我衝入虛空 I've found the purpose 終極目標已經確立 Immortalize this life 我會獲得永生 I will returnto the surface 然後返回母星 A lust for control and power 對控制和權力的渴望 Has grown in isolation 已在隔離中悄然滋長 A sky that once brought hope and light 往日帶來希望與光明的天空 Now brings me desolation 如今只予我荒涼蕭索 I must wield the sands of time to reclaim what is mine 為了奪回屬於我的一切, 我必須掌控時之沙 Stargazers have made the claims 觀星者們已然斷言 Of enocules bursting from Alshain 阿爾沙因的爆炸會產生靈能子 Deep within the serpent's spire I forge a path that takes me higher 在蛇形尖塔深處 I've crossed the great divide 我將開闢一條通往至高無上之路 Now I peer into the depths of death's door 我已越過黑暗之隙 Through the rippling veil I acquire 此刻我窺見死亡之門深處的景象 The dust of life that Cygnus obscures 穿過如水波泛動的霧紗 To the other side, I have done it 我得到了被天鵝座星雲遮掩其中的生命之塵 I now command the draw of death's door 抵達對岸, 我成功了 To the relic Alshain, now I've got it 現在死亡之門的開闔由我掌控 A molecule like nothing before 在阿爾沙因的遺跡中 Star fields of Aquila set ablaze 我取得了這前所未有的粒子 Reap the ashes of the great Alshain 天鷹座的星域化為火海 Relic Alshain 收穫偉大的阿爾沙因的餘燼 Oh Shahin-i-tarazu, now my flesh is born anew 阿爾沙因遺跡 Within my hands, I hold the sands 哦, 偉大的平衡之力, 令我的肉體重獲新生 A sky of pillars gives life and land The blackest night unveiling death 以吾雙手, 攥緊沙礫 One inhaling, exhaling breath 創生之柱賜予生命與土地 Of the swan with blackened wings outstretched A path unseen unfolds for me 最深沉的黑夜揭開死亡面紗 I charge the void and ascend the tree 吸氣, 呼氣 To the bird of morbid mastery 天鵝座裂隙展開它漆黑的羽翼 I heed the Cygnus call 一條無形之路為我呈現 They will want the dust obtained throughmy gall 我衝入虛空, 攀上樹巔 I bring the gift of extended life 只為觸及這永生之鳥 No longer will control be born of strife 我聽見天鵝終端的通訊 I burn through disregarded space Dispatched, forgotten, now I stake my independent claim 他們想得到我以身犯險獲取的時之沙 I will rule this stark domain 我帶來了這永生的饋贈