- 孫圳翰 kill my vibe 歌詞
- 孫圳翰
- 忘記了細節點綴
你總說簡單更美 可如果做到最後少了你 誰還會安靜地聽我發洩 I don't care about that shit * *** up off and get out myway get out myway baby oh listen up u listen up you know u make me crazy wow 可好多的原因讓你leave me alone 不會在乎這種痛苦wow 習慣了一切才不會在意wow 旋轉的世界總太迷茫 拒絕你的審判moving on 看不清的未來 我總是很努力 假裝自己活的很像樣 發出又撤回的簡訊4 u 爭吵不休 壞情緒控制不住 but no one and u 不在乎到最後變成誰 受夠了世界的錯與對 想掙脫沒有人會理會 like a drama so ****ing tired But and no one and u u make me like a fool 我的心控制不住 I am out of control why u make me in a mood look my face look my face shawty where are u go keep your focus catch my vibe Don't leave me away you can waste my feelings but not today 發洩爛的情緒its my fault 若流淚太過誇張 若無其事是我假裝 oh let me go make sounds tired of runnin days night today I don't want u know shawty let me go away tired of runnin days night today I don't want u know shawty what's u gona say what's u gona say what's u gona say.. mixby:froggy/蕁麻疹 master:百事糖 Backing vocals:孫圳翰 Supervise:孫圳翰 Cover Art:bobo