- RedHill TRAVEL 歌詞
- RedHill
- Drop the everthing now packing my back pack(Drop it~)
Jordan T-shirt and ma dirty truck(Drive it~) I should have started my new life(I should be~) TRAVEL~ TRAVEL drop the everthing now packing my back pack(Drop it~) jordan T-shirt and ma dirty truck(Drive it~) great feeling to me its shinny time(I should be~) TRAVEL~TRAVEL 不知道什麼時候開始厭倦了人來人往的生活 time to脫離這空間讓自己的視野更加開闊 當我奮不顧身回到讓我倍感親切的小鎮 歸心似箭回去的路上心情總會異常興奮 白天看完風景晚上去酒吧買醉 鄉間的公路和燈光多麼美妙的搭配 麻煩的事情推到一邊我現在只想往下墜 老友重逢留個紀念我們一起喝個宿醉 Drop the everthing now packing my back pack(Drop it~) Jordan T-shirt and ma dirty truck(Drive it~) I should have started my new life(I should be~) TRAVEL~TRAVEL drop the everthing now packing my back pack(Drop it~) jordan T-shirt and ma dirty truck( Drive it~) great feeling to me its shinny time(I should be~) TRAVEL~TRAVEL 剛下了湖南到泰國的飛機 異國的風情讓好奇感堆積 放下了包袱做什麼都隨意 只想要享受著自由的魅力 “薩瓦迪卡普” 一句早安 街邊的小攤菠蘿炒飯 國王的噩耗,寺廟裡祈禱, 祝愿愛我的幸福美好。 這裡漂亮的都是ladyboy (what?) 我只記得牌面寫著Soi (嗯) 買個票,照個相,順便看看Tiffany's show 清邁到曼谷的NaNa 芭提雅Baccara pick up da stroy “卡布恩卡普” Drop the everthing now packing my back pack(Drop it~) Jordan T-shirt and ma dirty truck(Drive it ~) I should have started my new life(I should be~) TRAVEL~TRAVEL drop the everthing now packing my back pack(Drop it~) jordan T-shirt and ma dirty truck(Drive it~) great feeling to me its shinny time(I should be~) TRAVEL~TRAVEL