Its Okay 沒關係 Ive been far enough for me 我告訴自己我已經前行得足夠遠了 For me 應該感到滿足 Blinded 就這樣被蒙蔽著 Oh so blind of where youre supposed to go 你迷茫著不知去向何方 [?] show no signs of where were supposed to go 無人給我們指引 Sick of silence 唯有沉默縈繞著我們 Sick of silence 寂靜讓我感到作嘔 Sick of silence 我是如此痛恨它 Oh so blind of where youre supposed to go 你茫然地不知去向何方 [?] livin on a blank 活在一片虛無的世界中 Youve been on the edge for way too long 早已坐立難安 [?] are you sick? 你痛苦嗎 Youve been on the edge for way too long 在世界的邊緣搖搖欲墜 Youve been on the edge for way too long 你已經掙扎了太久 Youve been on the edge for way too long 焦慮折磨著你 Its Okay 但是沒關係 Ive been far enough for me 我告訴自己我已經前行得足夠遠了 For me 我應該滿足了 Blinded 就這樣被欺騙著 Oh so blind of where Im supposed to go 其實完全迷失了方向 [?] show no signs of where were supposed to go 無人給我們指引 Sick of silence 唯有沉默縈繞著我們 Sick of silence 寂靜讓我感到作嘔 Sick of silence 我是如此痛恨它 Oh so blind of where youre supposed to go 無力地迷惘著 [?] livin on a blank 生命坍塌成虛無的廢墟 Youve been on the edge for way too long 在世界的邊緣搖搖欲墜 [?] are you sick? 你痛苦嗎 Youve been on the edge for way too long 焦慮折磨著你 Youve been on the edge for way too long 你還在苦苦掙扎 Youve been on the edge for way too long 早已難以承受 Sick of silence 唯有令人作嘔的沉默 Sick of silence 一片寂靜 Sick of silence 一片寂靜 Oh so blind of where youre supposed to go 早已迷失了自己,無處可去