- NaviGator Cheer up,CHINA 歌詞
- NaviGator
- We are facing a dark time right now.
我們正面臨著黑暗時刻 Some of us are stuck at home 我們中有些人不得不禁足在家 Some are stuck far away from home 有些人不得不滯留他鄉 Some of us have lost their jobs, 我們中有人失去了工作 Some have to shut down their businesses 有人關停了賴以為生的生意 Some of us are cutting down the expenses 我們中有人不得不縮減開支 Some can't even pay their rent and bills 有人甚至支付不起房租和賬單 Some can 't go back to school 我們中有人無法回到學校 Some can't get back to their jobs 有人無法回到工作崗位 And some of us are still working day and night , 我們中有人必須日夜堅守 no matter how exhausted they are 無論多麼疲憊 Or how dangerous it is. 抑或多麼危險 Some of us have become infected. 我們中有人被感染 They were isolated from their families, their loved ones, 他們不得不離開家人和所愛之人 and have to be alone in the wards, 獨自在病房面對恐懼 Or even worse, it is their children, parents, or loved ones that are infected 甚至更遭的是,被感染的是他們的孩子、父母或者愛人 and they don't even have a chance to say goodbye 他們甚至來不及當面道別 The virus is rampaging 病毒在大行肆虐 The numbers are increasing 感染人數在不斷增加 The rumors are spreading 謠言四起 The fear is growing 恐懼瀰漫 It seems that all of a sudden 似乎整個國家都在一瞬間 the whole country lost its vitality and prosperity. 失去了往日的活力和繁華 You are not the only one who is worrying 你不是一個人在擔憂 You are not the only one who is fearing 你不是一個人在恐懼 You are not the only one who is struggling 你不是一個人在苦苦支撐 We are all facing a dark time right now, 我們都在面臨一個黑暗時刻 Our country is facing a dark time right now. 我們整個國家都在面臨一個黑暗時刻 This is a war! 這是一場戰爭! It’s a war withoutguns, bombs, or smoke 這是一場沒有槍、沒有炮、沒有硝煙的戰爭 But it's a war with virus, doubts, fears, rumors, and discriminations. 但這是一場與病毒、懷疑、恐懼、謠言和歧視的戰爭 But we shall all be fighters, my dear fellows! 但我們都是戰士!我親愛的同胞們, Not just the doctors, the nurses, the policemen and the scientists who should fight 不僅僅只是醫生、護士、警察和科學家在戰鬥 All of us should be the fighters in this war 我們都應該成為這場戰爭中的戰士 We shall fight against fear 我們應該和恐懼鬥爭 We shall fight against uncertainty 我們應該和未知鬥爭 We shall fight against doubts 我們應該和懷疑鬥爭 We shall fight against selfishness 我們應該和自私鬥爭 We shall fight against rumors 我們應該和謠言鬥爭 We shall fight against discriminations 我們應該和歧視鬥爭 This is going to be a fierce and cruel war 這將會是一場激烈的嚴酷的戰爭 But don't be afraid, 但是不用害怕 We're going to win this war together in the end! 我們終將取得這場戰爭的勝利