- Michael Kaneko Separate Seasons 歌詞
- Michael Kaneko
我發現自己時常詞不達意 I find it hard to say everything on my mind 我不相信寥寥數語就能定義我們 I dont believe that words define who we are 站在陽光下 Stand in the light of day 也許我不會說太多 I may not say too much 但我們的款款柔情將永存 But our tenderness will stay 不論我們流離到何處 No matter how apart we stray 我正拼盡我所有去找到一個理由 Im doing everything I can to find a reason 盡量讓自己好受一點 Doing all that I can to stay good 如果我們多等一會 If we wait a while 我們也許會發現水中的暗號 We might see the signs in these waters 但如果我們的心飄向了不同的季節 But if our hearts drift into separate seasons 樹葉飄零在我們的根旁 And the leaves wither down beneath our roots 這也許要花點時間 It may take a while 但我們定會重回正軌的 But well find our way back on the road 我知道這已經發生一陣子了,我們只需要慢慢來 I know its been a while, well just take it slow 這些過往總愛刺痛我們 These stories have the tendency to do harm 我們要變得堅強 Well stay strong and sturdy 我們的故事還將延續 And well carry on 我們不會再犯錯 We can do no wrong 活在我們的世界裡 Living in our world 我正拼盡我所有去找到一個理由
盡量讓自己好受一點 Im doing everything I can to find a reason 如果我們多等一會 Doing all that I can to stay good 我們也許會發現水中的暗號 If we wait a while 但如果我們的心飄向了不同的季節 We might see the signs in these waters 樹葉飄零在我們的根旁 But if our hearts drift into separate seasons 這也許要花點時間 And the leaves wither down beneath our roots 但我們定會重回正軌的 It may take a while 我正拼盡我所有去找到一個理由 But well find our way back on the road 盡量讓自己好受一點
如果我們多等一會 Im doing everything I can to find a reason 我們也許會發現水中的暗號 Doing all that I can to stay good 但如果我們的心飄向了不同的季節 If we wait a while 樹葉飄零在我們的根旁 We might see the signs in these waters 這也許要花點時間 But if our hearts drift into separate seasons 但我們定會重回正軌 And the leaves wither down beneath our roots It may take a while But well find our way back on the road