- 柒羊 Put Me On 歌詞
- 柒羊
- 或者太多野諗起我唔啱
解放咗我思想好像剛剛放完監 系半夜訓繼續攬 系地下有你件衫 Girl you put me on 你帶我睇好多 我睇透咗好多 點解你玩緊火 但係中意卑我摸 Affection know it more Rather tie in摩托 披咗一件QP睇你中意smoke幾多 兩點幾她等我call~ 失踪I've been gone Like a ghost冇出過歌 Got me lost,so開心你幫我揾翻我 And now you're gone但傷口痊癒 下次跟你重遇ya搬過來住ya, 黎跟你接觸霖緊上床 look緊你接觸 思想碰撞,太多野變 I found my peace 至少你今晚可以跟我走 唔講再見 Why you feeling stop 當你感(覺)要抑鬱 I can feel you club Come around好像天使三個7 Fu cking with these hoes ya the only one i trust In the club系廁所太緊慌揾我解決緊 So we're in a rush 我唔想你等 我但又唔想太急 Trip到kenny flayer貼咗野再啪半粒 別怪我無法告訴你太多秘密 Don't let him give you energy 你中意點都得 我知道沒感覺就沒得俾 The shawty we just click 一路踩油沒得brake,就快撞 Going on & on we love to talk 跟你好多野講,我跟你不斷啪 沒麼野講,癱咗系我房 今次當圓房 I wasn't tryna fall in love(could love) I need再在過一陣(再一周) 呢一周我要點樣瞓 唔想再搞到好傷心 I get some other mama 可惜怪我did no damp All eyes hold me down有你會接我落黎 So into you討厭跟你有距離 ***** so good 或其他都沒法去比 尋找她去錯咗地方flip my roses 調撚轉咗我走就甘路過 我就繼續路過流浪