- Kenny Chesney Trip Around the Sun 歌詞
- Kenny Chesney
- Well they say the sea is rising, well thats alright with me
他們說海平面正在快速的上升,可是我卻不以為然 cause there aint no other place than on the sea Id rather be 因為沒有別的地方比大海更讓我心嚮往之,讓我寧願在此漂泊 And that second comets coming, its right around the bend 那第二顆彗星咄嗟之間便會到來,它就在那轉彎處 And some day could be any day, this world is gonna end 終有一天,這個世界會化為泡影 But thats alright, and thats okay 但這是無關緊要的事情 There aint nothin we can do about the whole thing anyway 反正我們也束手無策
這是一種方式,讓我們在時空中永無止盡的運動著 Its a hang on kinda ride, were spinning through space and time 讓我們晃動這巨大的岩石,只為從中尋找一絲安慰 Rocking this big old rock just tryna have some fun 讓我們觥籌交錯,舉杯暢飲到天荒地老 So lets drink another beer, heres to another year 讓我們再來一次瘋狂的太陽之旅吧 Lets take another crazy trip around the sun 或許我們只是在蒼穹的魚缸裡穿梭,在空氣中漂浮
被重力無情的束縛著,原因卻無人知曉 Were all swimming in a fish bowl, just floating through the sky 所以這就是這個宇宙的哈利路亞,我們現在便在這坐著 Pulled along by gravity and nobody knows why 還有貝基在酒吧里又給我們買了一圈 So its a Cosmic Hallelujah , that were sitting here right now 沒關係,對,這並不會影響到什麼 And Beckys at the bar buying us all another round 今夜我將高枕而臥,不會再去焦思苦慮 And thats okay, yeah thats alright 這是一種方式,讓我們在時空中永無止盡的旋轉著 I aint gonna over think or overanalyze tonight 讓我們晃動這巨大的岩石,只為從中尋找一絲安慰
讓我們觥籌交錯,舉杯暢飲到天荒地老 Its a hang on kinda ride, were spinning through space and time 讓我們再來一次瘋狂的太陽之旅吧 Rocking this big old rock just tryna have some fun 我們伸舉著手臂,在過山車上放聲吶喊,激動到無法鬆懈 So lets drink another beer, heres to another year 我們只是汪洋大海中的一粒鹽沙,在驚濤駭浪中漂浮 Lets take another crazy trip around the sun 我們只是貝比魯斯的一隻棒球,被狠狠的敲打在牆面上
我們只是一顆渺小的雨滴,被氣勢磅礴的瀑布所吞沒 Were just hands up, roller coaster, flying with no breaks 這是一種方式,讓我們在時空中永無止盡的運動著 Were just speck up, salt rolling down a tidal wave 讓我們晃動這巨大的岩石,只為從中尋找一絲安慰 Were just Babe Ruth, baseball hit over the wall 讓我們觥籌交錯,舉杯暢飲到天荒地老 Were just a drop of, rain over a waterfall 讓我們去擁抱太陽
再來一次瘋狂的太陽之旅吧 Its a hang on kinda ride, were spinning through space and time Rocking this big old rock just tryna have some fun So lets drink another beer, heres to another year Lets take another crazy trip around the sun Lets take another crazy trip around the sun