- 白藝潾 0310 歌詞
- 白藝潾
- You smoked and you looked at me
你抽著香煙注視著我 I hate it when you do 我討厭這樣的你 I said no thanks to you 我對你說了聲不必謝謝你 You asked me If I was okay 你詢問我是否一切安好 What If I wasn't 如果我過得不好那又怎樣 Leaving is fine 離開也無妨 It's just I don't wanna be all by myself again 只是我不願再獨自一人 Like every time like every last time 一如往常就像上次一樣 You knew that I was no good for you 你知道我不適合你 When we lay down after doing that things you loved 在你心滿意足之後我們決定放下 You knew that I wasn't better than you 你知道我比你好不到哪裡去 I hope that I could be seemed really fine with you leaving 我希望我能從容地面對你離我而去 You stroked me and stared at me 你一邊撫慰我一邊凝視著我 I like it when you do 我喜歡這樣的你 I said I know you love me too 我說我知道你也愛著我 I asked you 我問過你 If you are the same what If I quit it 倘若你還是以前那樣我離開你又會怎樣 Leaving is fine 離開也無妨 It's just I don't wanna be falling behind again 只是我不願再獨自一人 Like every time like every moment in the end 一如往常就像是最後的那一瞬間 You knew that I was no good for you 你知道我不適合你 When we lay down after doing that things you loved 在你心滿意足之後我們決定放下 You knew that I wasn't better than you 你知道我比你好不到哪裡去 I hope that I could be seemed really fine with you leaving 我希望我能從容地面對你離我而去 Suddenly all the things seem complicated 突然之間一切都變得複雜 You could only fix it but my lips won' t let me tell the truth 你只能盡力彌補可我欲言又止無法坦誠相待 Tell me how not to get hurt or broken 告訴我如何才能免受傷害 Even If you can't afford loving me anymore 即使你再也無法愛我 You knew that I was no good for you 你知道我不適合你 When we lay down after doing that things you loved 在你心滿意足之後我們決定放下 You knew that I wasn't better than you 你知道我比你好不到哪裡去 I hope that I could be seemed really fine with you leaving 我希望我能從容地面對你離我而去 You smoked and you looked at me 你抽著香煙注視著我 I hate it when you do 我討厭這樣的你