- Jacob Banks Dear Simone 歌詞
- Jacob Banks
親愛的西蒙,我一個人孤孤單單 Dear Simone, I'm all alone 我需要你在我的身旁,擦乾我的淚水 And I need you here, to wipe my tears away 親愛的西蒙啊,我到哪裡才能找到你的身影 Dear Simone, where have you been? 因為我很需要你溫暖的肩膀,我沉浸在孤獨的恐懼中 Cause I need you near, cause I'm drowning in my fear 所以我沿著這條路一直向前 So I'm driving down this road 但卻不知道去哪裡,不知道在哪裡能再次遇到你 With no place, no place to go 我一無所有,只有和你在一起的回憶 Nothing but memories 只有你和我之間才能相互理解這種感情 Only you and I, only you and I will ever know 眼淚順著我的臉頰流下 Tears falling down my face 那曾經是喜極而泣的淚水 Used to be tears of joy 你的離去,也帶走了我對你的愛 You took my loving away oh 親愛的西蒙啊我好孤獨啊 Oh, dear Simone, I'm all alone 我需要你的陪伴 And I need you here 在我身旁輕輕的擦乾我的淚水 To wipe my tears away 親愛的西蒙,你在哪裡? Dear Simone, where have you been? 我離不開你,我被失去你的恐懼壓得喘不過氣 Cause I need you near, cause I'm drowning in my fear 我駐足在滔滔不絕的瀑布前 Paying the falls in my end 我的靈魂被瀑布的激流修復,我為你了而站在這裡 The soul is mend, here I stand for you baby 生活中的一切點滴 What's in life pass me by 都因為你才有它們的意義 Only if you were by my side 我嘗試了所有的一切 I tried everything I should 我把我所有的一切都給你了 I gave everything I could to you baby 我對著天嘶吼 Pouring my words up to the sky 我不要和你說再見 Oh, I'm not gonna say goodbye 所以如果你願意回心轉意的話 So if you ever change your mind up baby 打個電話給我,親愛的,打給我,打給你曾經心愛的我 Just call me, call me baby, call me to you darling 等你,等你,等你,我會一直在原地等著你的,艾倫 I am waiting, waiting, waiting for you, for you, my Alen 一直等你,孤身一人等著你 Waiting for you, I'm all alone 我需要你溫暖的手掌 And I need you here 把我這該死的眼淚擦乾 To wipe my ******* tears away 親愛的西蒙你到底在哪裡 Dear Simone, where have you been? 我沒法離開你,我被我自己的淚水沉浸到沒法呼吸 Man I need you near, because I'm drowning in my ******* fears 親愛的西蒙,我好孤獨 Dear Simone, I'm all alone 我需要你在我身旁 And I need you here 擦乾我的淚水 To wipe my ******* tears away 親愛的西蒙,我好想你 Dear Simone, where have you been? oh我需要你在我身旁 Oh I need you here 擦掉我這孤獨的淚水 To wipe my **** *** tear away