- D神_DLord Row 歌詞
- D神_DLord
- 錄音:RMB Studio
混音:Dlord Ten bad b****** in the room and we party 我和十個人在房間開派對 Gotta make the population double up and make it twenty 今晚我要讓人口翻倍變成二十 I am the flower that has yet to even bloom 我是含苞待放的花朵 The party ain't gonna start until we made it to the room 沒有我們派對不會開始 Ho~ [00:15.699] Row b***h row row row row row, Yeah 劃吧划划划划劃呀 Row b***h row row row row row 劃吧划划划划劃呀 Row your boat row your boat gently going down the stream 劃小船劃小船順著溪流慢慢下 Watch me keep rising like the just like the steam 我會像蒸汽一樣往上升 Row b***h row row row row row, Yeah 劃吧划划划划劃呀 Row b***h row row row row row, Yeah 劃吧划划划划劃呀 Row your boat row your boat gently going down the stream 劃小船劃小船順著溪流慢慢下 While your b**** pray to me with one night full of her screams 就算你求我一夜也沒有用 Im not hard Im just a play boy 花花公子風度翩翩 Treating all of these b****** like they are play toys 把他們當成玩具 When they see me they gon call my name boy 萬眾矚目的焦點 Where you been to come and lets go and play boy 不明行踪及時行樂 H*** are my d**** 她們是我的救命良藥 P**** is my P******* 無論如何都要得到 But I have no trust 但是她們無情 They only have one usage 作用單一 Only call them when I wanna use it 需要時我才找她們 Leave your name on the wheel of fortune 看看今晚翻誰的牌子 I was lost and left behind with no way out for so long 我在困境中掙扎許久 Smack me down again and again to but I'm always back to the ground 把我擊倒但是我總能再次站立 They thought it will be killing me I gon prove them wrong 他們以為這個就能將我打敗 Cus this wont be the last time I go harsh in the verse of a song 這不會是我最後一次絕地反擊 Work hard never quit Since I am out of the womb 出生之後我就開始努力 Till the day I will be buried inside the tomb 直到有一天我死去 I am the the flower that has yet to even bloom 我是含苞待放的花朵 The party aint gonna start until I made it to the room 沒有我們派對不會開始 Ho~ [01:28.458] Row b***h row row row row row, Yeah 劃吧划划划划劃呀 Row b***h row row row row row 劃吧划划划划劃呀 Row your boat row your boat gently going down the stream 劃小船劃小船順著溪流慢慢下 Watch me keep rising like the just like the steam 我會像蒸汽一樣往上升 Row b***h row row row row row, Yeah 劃吧划划划划劃呀 Row b***h row row row row row, Yeah 劃吧划划划划劃呀 Row your boat row your boat gently going down the stream 劃小船劃小船順著溪流慢慢下 While your b**** pray to me with one night full of her screams 就算你求我一夜也沒有用 I am all done meditate Ready to be the great 不再深思 Never late for the date Head down to my fate 在偉大的路上從不遲到 Trash s**t accumulates Biting all the baits 面對現實,物以類聚人以群分 They cant even last 8 seconds from the blade 他們頂不住撐不過八秒 Tear down all your hate Eat your f**** cake 摘下你的有色眼鏡管好你自己 Play some s**t you made Don't just decorate 看看你的成品不要只是表面功夫 Salute all my mates We gon head it straight 感謝我的兄弟們跟我一起昂首挺胸 Aint not have to wait We gon fill the plate 不用等待我們會成功 Cus I promise myself don't repeat the history 答應自己不要重蹈覆轍 Never go back again 不緬懷過去 Every time it rains memories flashes 雨天總是多愁善感 Bring me back to the pain 疼痛難忍 F*** all these glories don't belong to me 這些莫須有的名氣 They are all just vain 都是假象 Cus I am not the food nor the prey 我不是別人的獵物 Im the start of the chain 我站在食物鏈頂端 Ten bad b****** in the room and we party 我和十個人在房間開派對 Gotta make the population double up and make it twenty 今晚我要讓人口翻倍變成二十 I am the the flower that has yet to even bloom 我是含苞待放的花朵 The party aint gonna start until I made it to the room 沒有我們派對不會開始 Ho~ [02:43.457] Row b***h row row row row row, Yeah 劃吧划划劃划划呀 Row b***h row row row row row 劃吧划划划划劃呀 Row your boat row your boat gently going down the stream 劃小船劃小船順著溪流慢慢下