- Raney Shockne Sera 歌詞
- Raney Shockne
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塞拉是個與循規蹈矩不沾邊的女孩—— Sera was never quite an agreeable girl—— 她的新奇反叛精神溢於言表。 her tongue tells tales of rebellion. 她行動又總是如此迅速, but she was so fast, 一把弓箭從不離身, and quick with her bow, 沒人知道她從哪裡來。 no one quite knew where she came from. 塞拉是個和沈默寡言無關的女孩, Sera was never quite the quietest girl—— 她大張旗鼓地攻擊別人並樂此不彼。 her attacks are loud and theyre joyful. 因為她早已看穿貴族們高尚皮囊下的醜惡行徑, but she knew the ways of nobler men, 並知道如何拆穿他們的嘴臉。 and she knew how to enrage them. 她總喜歡說, She would always like to say, “既然過去已經無法改變, 'why change the past, 為什麼不把握現在呢? ” when you can own this day?' 如今她將奔赴戰鬥, today she will fight, 用獨特的方式來證明自己。 to keep her way. 她是個闖禍精也是個小偷, shes a rogue and a thief, 準備隨時左右任何人的命運。 and shell tempt your fate. 她總喜歡說, She would always like to say, “既然過去已經無法改變, 'why change the past, 為什麼不把握現在呢? ” when you can own this day?' 如今她將奔赴戰鬥, today she will fight, 用獨特的方式來證明自己。 to keep her way. 她是個闖禍精也是個小偷, her rogue and a thief, 準備隨時左右任何人的命運。 and shell tempt your fate. 瑟拉是個與富裕不沾邊的女孩—— Sera was never quite the wealthiest girl—— 有人說她以小酒館為容身之所。 some say she lives in a tavern. 但她又是那樣鋒利迅猛, but she was so sharp, 將一把弓用得出神入化—— and quick with bow —— 箭一離弦,勢如蛟龍。 arrows strike like a dragon. 瑟拉是個和溫柔無關的女孩—— Sera was never quite the gentlest girl—— 她的眼神就是殺人利器。 her eyes were sharp like a razor. 但她又能很好地與大家打成一片, but she knew the ways of commoner men, 她早掌握了其中的相處之道。 and she knew just how to use them. 她總喜歡說, She would always like to say, “既然過去已經無法改變 'why change the past, 為什麼不把握現在呢? ” when you can own this day?' 如今她將奔赴戰鬥, today she will fight, 用獨特的方式來證明自己。 to keep her way. 她是個闖禍精也是個小偷, shes a rogue and a thief, 準備隨時左右任何人的命運。 and shell tempt your fate. 她總是喜歡說, She would always like to say, “既然過去已經無法改變 'why change the past, 為什麼不把握現在呢? ” when you can own this day?' 如今她將奔赴戰鬥, today she will fight, 用獨特的方式來證明自己。 to keep her way. 她是個闖禍精也是個小偷, shes a rogue and a thief, 準備隨時左右任何人的命運。 and shell tempt your fate.