- Sophia Ayana Heartbreak Hotel 歌詞
- Sophia Ayana
你深愛著我不緊不慢的態度 Yeah I know that you love when I move in slow mo 我終用自己的方式了結一切 And tonight, I finally do it my way 我無法與你白頭偕老 I can't always follow baby 轉身離去不辭而別 I'm gonna have to pull that (no, no) 真心誠意毫無虛假 Make it official 放棄你所謂的手段 Put down your pistol slow 不再朝思暮想 I don't miss you 更不夢寐不忘 No I don't need you 無需誰來作證 I don't even need an alibi 疼痛難耐 Skin is hurting 但我自有辦法 But I've got something 我會讓你嚐到不同的滋味 I'm gon' give you tonight 親愛的 Baby 親手扼殺你我的愛 You killed your love for me 終日留守酒吧 Hit the bar 焦慮徬徨不知所措 Xanax and Hennessy 無人留守 The rooms are free 可我望眼欲穿 But I can never leave 我將有屬於自己的天價套房 Baby now I've got the suite all to myself 在那心碎旅館 In Heartbreak Hotel 病入膏肓盲目的愛將我擊垮 My love has shot me down 緩放所謂的手段 Drop the gun 他聲嘶力竭“我要退房!” He said 'I 'm checking out' 空蕩的房間 The rooms are free 但我睹物思人 But I can never leave 我將有套豪華套房 Baby now I've got the suite all to myself 在那心碎旅館 In Heartbreak Hotel 置身此地 Here we are 請務必相信無意恐嚇你 Believe me I ain 't tryna freak you 只想安心玩耍 No, I just wanna play it safe 不願表達情緒 I don't wanna show emotions 想方設法盼望出路 Now my mind is making ways 從未後悔 I don't regret it 但願我說過 Yeah I wish I said it 可我將要魚潰鳥離 But I knew I would break 不會耿耿於懷 I don't miss you 更不牽縈於心 No I don't need you 也不需任何證詞 I don't even need an alibi 痛意如猛獸 Skin is hurting 但我自有辦法 But I've got something 我會讓你見識我的厲害 I'm gon' give you tonight 親愛的 Baby 你親手扼殺了你對我盲目無比的愛 You killed your love for me 獨坐酒吧 Hit the bar 引日成歲 Xanax and Hennessy 房間空無一人 The rooms are free 可我永遠不能離開 But I can never leave 我已有一套豪華套房 Baby now I've got the suite all to myself 在那心碎旅館 In Heartbreak Hotel 盲目的愛一次次把我擊碎 My love has shot me down 放下手槍 Drop the gun 他說“我要退房” He said 'I'm checking out' 空蕩房間 The rooms are free 永不離開 But I can never leave 已有套房 Baby now I' ve got the suite all to myself 在那心碎旅館 In Heartbreak Hotel 心碎旅館 Hotel 當她踏進此處 You know shit goes down when she steps in 就該曲終人散 You can tell 難以捉摸 I don't wanna think about it 不忍想像 I don't wanna dream about it 捉摸不透 I don't wanna think about it 不願去想 I don't wanna dream about it woho 親愛的 Baby 你親手扼殺你對我的愛 You killed your love for me 沉浸酒吧 Hit the bar 杯中滿是焦慮 Xanax and Hennessy 無人留守 The rooms are free 但我依依不捨 But I can never leave 現在我已有了屬於自己的套房 Baby now I've got the suite all to myself 在那心碎旅館 In Heartbreak Hotel 這份愚蠢的愛將我擊垮 My love has shot me down 放下手槍 Drop the gun 他聲嘶力竭“ 我要退房” He said 'I'm checking out' 無人在此停留 The rooms are free 可我無法離開 But I can never leave 我已經有了個人套房 Baby now I've got the suite all to myself 在那心碎旅館 In Heartbreak Hotel