- 鬱晉元Yanbiest 被夜抓走的人 歌詞
- 鬱晉元Yanbiest
- 混縮:一澤
編曲:LC FLASH 採樣:Changing-SIGMA 生於夜晚 I was born in the night 生於夜晚 Life in the night 孤於夜晚 Feeling lonely in the night 似不真切 Not true not true
生於夜晚 I was born in the night 生於夜晚 Life in the night 孤於夜晚 Feeling lonely in the night 著實有趣 But this really really fun for me
我抬頭看見雲彩漂浮天空 我不懂 潔白的印在藍布像在做夢 我不懂 它是被畫的 還是我飄著 又有顆星星為了愛情漂泊 這次換我失落
生於夜晚 I was born in the night 生於夜晚 Life in the night 孤於夜晚 Feeling lonely in the night 似不真切 Not true
生於夜晚 I was born in the night 生於夜晚 Life in the night 孤於夜晚 Feeling lonely in the night 著實有趣 But this really really fun for me
面對著生活的注視 分享出平凡的故事 想起和朋友吹牛一定把自己變得物質 但跟他告別也沒多說只是擺了擺手 還有那句感謝在你面前也開不了口 那首老歌還在聽 那次離開腳步輕 那片老地方我記憶中也被夕陽染了金 暮色在降臨
生於夜晚 I was born in the night 生於夜晚 Life in the night 孤於夜晚 Feeling lonely in the night 似不真切 Not true
生於夜晚 I was born in the night 生於夜晚 Life in the night 孤於夜晚 Feeling lonely in the night 著實有趣 But this really really fun for me
我選擇留這繼續 守這秘密 忘記答應過你 那就走著看吧 管它以後在哪 我想把時間掰細然後再把音樂放大 還要對著自己面具微笑上蠟 不想被可憐 也不想成為等閒 可對著碎的鏡子還是會想哽咽 寒流和碎片的回憶在我腦海裡 刻意的混亂的交織
生於夜晚 I was born in the night 生於夜晚 Life in the night 孤於夜晚 Feeling lonely in the night 似不真切 Not true
生於夜晚 I was born in the night 生於夜晚 Life in the night 孤於夜晚 But this really really fun for me