- 金聖權 this is the moment 歌詞
- 金聖權
- This is the moment
就在這瞬間 This is the day 就在今天 When I send all my doubts and demons 閉上眼拋開所有疑慮 On their way 繼續向前 Every endeavor 命運的腳步 I have made ever 從不曾停駐 Is coming into play 我能否被成全 Is here and now today 答案就在眼前 This is the moment 就在這瞬間 This is the time 就是現在 When the momentum and the moment 把我的一切交給時間 Are in rhyme 決定成敗 Give me this moment 願上天賜我 This precious chance 一個奇蹟 Ill gather up my past 多少心血匯聚 And make some sense at last 等這一刻開啟 This is the moment 就在這瞬間 When all Ive done 回想從前 All of the dreaming, scheming and screaming 曾經的痛苦,掙扎和夢想 Become one 在眼前 This is the day 就在今天 See it sparkle and shine 一切如我所願 When all Ive lived for 勝利的光芒 Becomes mine! 似火焰 For all these years 多少年了 Ive faced the world alone 我等著這一刻 And now the time has come 要告訴全世界 To prove to them 我的信念 Ive made it on my own 始終不曾改變 This is the moment 最後這瞬間 My final test 迎接考驗 Destiny beckoned 命運在召喚 I never reckoned second best ! 我付出一切不食言 I wont look down 絕不退縮 I must not fall 絕不閃躲 This is the moment 等待這一刻 The sweetest moment of them all! 瞬間變永恆的時刻 This is the moment 就在這瞬間 Damn all the odds 不再徬徨 This day, or never 地獄或天堂 Ill be forever with the gods! 沒有人能將我阻擋 When I look back 回首過往 I will always recall 太多已被遺忘 Moment for moment 唯有這一刻 This was the moment 世界在閃耀 The greatest moment 神的光芒會 Of them all! 照亮我