- Tom MacDonald no lives matter 歌詞
- Tom MacDonald
- Hip hop died, it's full of guys who cannot even rap (Facts)
嘻哈已經死了,裡面充斥著甚至不會說唱的人們(現實) Media yet dividing us by colors, white or black (Facts ) 媒體以膚色區分我們,白人或是黑人(現實) If you believe in Jesus, these days Christians get attacked (Facts) 如果你信仰耶穌,如今基督徒們將會遭到攻擊(現實) If you don't hate police then everybody thinks you're wack 如果你不憎恨警察,那麼每個人都會認為你瘋了
這一切聯繫的如此密切 And everything's so connected “黑命貴”變得如此咄咄逼人 Black Lives Matter got so aggressive 原本同意這一觀點的白人也不會去縱容它愈演愈烈 White folks who agree can't support the message 雙方展開戰爭源於他們對戰爭的不尊重 Both sides go to war 'cause they don't respect it 我們的社會氛圍被全球緊張形勢影響 Our social climate from the global tension 轉變成了全面暴力和整體蕭條 Turned to total violence and a whole depression 我們可以團結一致,然後大家一起抵制他們 We could unify and then all go against them 但是我們卻被他們利用選票和選舉瓦解 But we let 'em divide us with votes and elections (Ay)讓我們一起碰撞的音樂 ( Ay) the music we bump 都是關於木倉擊和DU品 All about shooting guns and doin' drugs (Ay, whoa)我們想要的東西 (Ay, whoa) the things that we want 都在被如下的歌曲“潛移默化” Are promoted subliminally through the songs like 你需要一輛跑車,你需要幾件潮牌 You need a fast car , you need designer clothes 你需要一個說唱明星 You need a rap star 來忽悠你開始磕Y To tell you to start popping pills 直截了當地告訴你,去俱樂部生活直到你破產 Hit the blunt and go live at the club 'til you're broke 這一切都被精英們控制 It's all controlled by the elites 我們的熒屏上鋪天蓋地的都是假新聞 Put fake news all over our screens 忽悠著右派與左派鬥爭 Convincing the right to go fight with the left 分散著我們的注意力,讓我們忘卻我們需要彼此的事實 And distract from the fact it'seach other we need, uh 將我們按照種族與宗教分裂 Divided by race and religion 區分成不同的團體 Segregated into teams, uh 你是一個白人至上主義者 You a white supremacists 如果你不是,那我猜你一定是反法西斯主義者 If you're not, I guess you ANTIFA 在屋頂上尖叫,被擊倒,被痛毆
讓我們彼此爭鬥,現在生命不再重要 Screaming from the rooftops, beatdown, battered 如果我們像新聞所說的那樣按步照班,鮮血將四處噴濺 Turned us on each other, now no lives matter 讓我們彼此爭鬥,直到生命不再重要 If we do what the news wants, blood gon' splatter 自由已經死了,如果你有意見,還是請收回吧(現實) Turn us on each other 'til no lives matter 人們憎惡總統,如果你不厭惡他,那麼你就是個垃圾(現實)
利用新聞和主流說唱來洗腦(現實) Freedom's dead, if you have an opinion, take it back (Facts) ZF虐待我們,這就是計劃的全部內容(現實) People hate the president, if you don't then you trash (Facts) 這太令人困惑了 Indoctrinate the nation using news and mainstream rap (Facts) “黑命貴”是一項有價值的運動 The government abuses us, it's all part of the plan (Facts) 但“所有人的生命都是重要的”並不是種族主義或是愚蠢
非黑人群體並不覺得自己也涵蓋其中 And it's so confusing 所有膚色的群體都受法律的約束 Black Lives Matter's a valuable movement 整個國家和我們都在受苦 But All Lives Matter ain't racist or stupid 我們都將傷痕累累,沒人能夠痊癒 It's non-black humans who don't feel included 直到我們承認我們都是兄弟 All colors fall under laws that govern (Ay)我們創作的音樂 The whole country and we all suffer 全部是關於豐厚的贓物和獲取報酬 We're all broke and nobody recovers (Ay, whoa)我們觀看著新聞,它充斥在我們的大腦裡的 Until we accept that we're all brothers 全部都是暴力、騷亂和種族 (Ay) the music we make 例如,這是一場種族戰爭,你需要的是憎恨的更多 All about big booties and gettin' paid 得到你想要的 (Ay, whoa) we watch the news and it fills up our brains 你渴求一些關於阿普唑侖和暴力的歌曲 With violence, and riots, and race 這樣你就能更快的逃離 Like this is a race war, you need to hate more 我們無法擺脫的惡性循環 Get what you came for 他們控制著文化,他們控制著報紙 You need some songs about Xanax and violence 他們正在給整整一代人洗腦 So you can escape more 直到愛國者們開始憎恨這個國家 What a vicious cycle we can't break away from 我們熱愛的音樂讓我們變得愚蠢並著魔 They control the culture, they control the paper 我們觀看的新聞是在給孩子們洗腦 They're indoctrinating a whole generation 病毒是暴亂和種族主義。這些不是問題 'Til the patriots start to hate the nation 它們是這個體系當中生命的症狀 The music we love make us dumb and addicted 在屋頂上尖叫,被擊倒,被痛毆 The news that we watch is brainwashin' the children 讓我們彼此爭鬥,現在生命不再重要 The virus is riots, and racist conditions ain't problems 如果我們像新聞所說的那樣按步照班,鮮血將四處噴濺 They're symptoms of life in this system 讓我們彼此爭鬥,直到生命不再重要
音樂將會讓你變得愚蠢 Screaming from the rooftops, beatdown, battered 媒體將會讓你充滿仇恨 Turned us on each other, now no lives matter 它們相互制約 If we do what the news wants, blood gon' splatter 這將無法逃脫 Turn us on each other 'til no lives matter 它們把這個世界變成了混亂的狀態
經濟崩潰和大規模裁員 The music will make you dumb 黑人對抗白人或是左派對抗右派 The media makes you hate 分裂、侵略、操縱就是'福報' And they control 'em both 在屋頂上尖叫,被擊倒,被痛毆 There ain't no escape 讓我們彼此爭鬥,現在生命不再重要 They put the world is a state of chaos 如果我們像新聞所說的那樣按步照班,鮮血將四處噴濺 Economy crashin' and massive layoffs 讓我們彼此爭鬥,直到生命不再重要 Black against white or it's left versus right Divide and conquer and control is the payoff
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