- Wolf Alice Nosedive 歌詞
- Wolf Alice
- We fail making beats for you to dance to
我們沒能擊打出足以讓你起舞的節奏 We fail making rhymes to romance to 我們沒能編織出充斥浪漫色彩的音律 We failed on our making it naked alright 我們也沒能徹夜赤裸 Nosedive 急轉直下 Nosedive 情勢驟降 Nosedive 風雲突變 Nosedive 山河變遷 I've got a fiver in a pocket somewhere 我口袋里大抵還有五分錢 I can make it to yours on time 我可以按時把它交予你 I don't care if this takes me no where 我不在乎這是否會讓我日暮途窮 I won't, and you won't, we won't ask why 我不會問,你不會問,我們都不會過問緣由 I nosedive 急轉直下 I nosedive 情勢驟降 I nosedive 風雲突變 I nosedive 山河變遷
你敲打著鼓 You play the drums 你敲打著鼓,而我也編織著旋律 You play the drums and we'll make the rhymes 困境已迎刃而解 Figured it out 困境已被我圓滿破解,我們將會安然無恙了 I figured it all and we'll be alright 誰在那? Who's there? 誰在乎? Who cares? 魚貫而出,放肆起舞 Go out and dance 如若你欣然加入,我也會縱情起舞 I can dance if you do too 擊個掌吧 Gimme the five 我們已被愛包擁,我們必會安然無恙 We have our love and we'll be alright 誰在那? Who's there? 而誰又在乎呢?
Who cares?