- Loggins & Messina Dannys Song 歌詞
- Loggins & Messina
- People smile and tell me Im the lucky one
人們笑著跟我說我很幸運 And weve just begun 我們才剛剛開始生活 Think Im gonna have a son 我想我快有個兒子了 He will be like she and me 眉眼與我和她相似 As free as a dove 他將如鴿子般自由 Conceived in love 孕育在愛(親情)中 Sun is gonna shine above 太陽依舊閃耀 Even though we aint got money 即使我們身無分文 Im so in love with you, honey 親愛的,我是如此的愛你 Everything will bring a chain of love 生活的點點滴滴都會帶來一連串的愛 In the morning, when I rise 當我在早晨醒來之時 You bring a tear of joy to my eyes 你使我留下喜悅的淚水 And tell me everything 告訴我 Is gonna be alright 一切都會平安順利
似乎一個月以前,我還是個遊戲人間的小伙子 Seems as though, a month ago, I was Beta-Chi 沒跟人玩得太瘋狂 Never got high 哦,我實在是個不怎麼起眼的傢伙 Oh, I was a sorry guy 而現在我笑著迎接這個嫁給我,冠上我姓的女孩子 And now, I smile and face the girl that shares my name 我不再玩愛情遊戲 Now Im through with the game 這男孩將會脫胎換骨 This boy will never be the same 即使我們身無分文 Even though we aint got money 親愛的,我是如此的愛你 Im so in love with you, honey 生活的點點滴滴都會帶來一連串的愛 Everything will bring a chain of love 當我在早晨醒來之時 In the morning, when I rise 你使我留下喜悅的淚水 You bring a tear of joy to my eyes 告訴我 And tell me everything 一切都會平安順利 Is gonna be alright 雙魚及處女星座上升是個好預兆 Pisces, Virgo rising is a very good sign 他強壯又溫柔 Strong and kind 這小男孩是我的 And the little boy is mine 從無到有,我看著我的家庭成形 Now I see a family where the once was none 現在我們才剛開始 Now weve just begun 我們將飛向太陽 Yeah, were gonna fly to the sun 即使我們身無分文 Eventhough we aint got money 親愛的,我是如此的愛你 Im so in love with you, honey 生活的點點滴滴都會帶來一連串的愛 Everything will bring a chain of love 當我在早晨醒來之時 In the morning, when I rise 你使我留下喜悅的淚水 You bring a tear of joy to my eyes 告訴我 And tell me everything 一切都會平安順利 Is gonna be alright 去愛一個將全世界用心捧在紙杯中的女孩
一飲而盡吧 Love the girl who holds the world in a paper cup 喝下並真心愛她,她會為你帶來好運 Drink it up 如果你發現她啟發你的心靈,就帶她回家吧 Love her and shell bring you luck 不要自己一人獨自生活 If you find she helps your mind, better take her home 試著贏得戀人所應有的 Dont you live alone 即使我們身無分文 Try to earn what lovers own 親愛的,我是如此的愛你 Even though we aint got money 生活的點點滴滴都會帶來一連串的愛 Im so in love with you, honey 當我在早晨醒來之時 Everything will bring a chain of love 你使我留下喜悅的淚水 In the morning, when I rise 告訴我 You bring a tear of joy to my eyes 一切都會平安順利~ And tell me everything Is gonna be alright