- 顧媚 萬紫千紅(一) 歌詞
- 顧媚
- 〔相思河畔.失去的愛情.痴痴地等.第二春.花月佳期〕
合唱:顧媚.方逸華 作詞:紀云程. Virginia Pereira.辛梵. Brian Blackburn.陶秦. Tony Myatte.易文. Lionel Bart.陳蝶衣. Fred Jay 作曲:André Popp.王福齡.姚敏. Joaquin Prieto
自從相思河畔見了你,就像那春風吹進心窩裡; 我要輕輕地告訴你,不要把我忘記。 The Air Is Soft With Flowers In The Spring. The Flower, Children And The Bells That Ring. Happy People Are So Filled With Love On A Day Like Today. 秋風無情,為什麼吹落了丹楓; 青春尚在,為什麼毀退了殘~紅, 啊~人生本是夢。
藍色的是愛情,我沒有你就寂寞飄零; 灰色的是生命,我沒有你就寒冷如冰。 Blue, Blue, My World Is Blue. Blue Is My World Now I'm Without You. Grey, Grey, My Life Is Grey. Cold Is My Heart Since You Went Away.
不知道是早晨,不知道是黃昏; 看不到天上的雲,見不到街邊的燈; 黑漆漆,陰沉沉,你讓我在這裡痴痴地等。 Where Are You Now I Wish I Knew If All My Dreams Would Just Come True. The Endless Days That I Spend Alone I Filled With Memories Of You. Stars May Lose Their Glow, Seasons Come And Go. I Know That I'll Be True I'll Wait For You.
明明是冷冷清清的長夜, 為什麼還有叮叮噹當的聲音? 聽不出是遠還是近,分不出是夢還是真; 好像是一串鈴,打亂了我的心。 I Hear The Bell Go Ding Dong, Deep Down Inside My Heart. Each Time You Say Kiss Me, Then I Know It's Time For Ding Dong To Start. Each Time You Say Hug Me, Ding Dong Ding Dong. Each Time You Say Love Me, Ding Dong Ding Dong. I Hope I Don't Wait Too Long To Hear My Bell Go Ding Dong, To Hear My Bell Go Ding Dong.
讓我們手兒相牽,情意綿綿忘不了今天, 歌聲響起在身邊,Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria.