- SameMore 在 歌詞
- 銀河聯邦調查局 SameMore
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Beat by KidOcean Ill be there for the money and for the fame aye Like who can tell me whats my Fking Mission wonder who will there with me and Listen Ill be there 看我孤獨的眼在放光 在凌晨三點半ho 野心吞噬掉我太骯髒 看不到的終點站so 幸好還能喘口氣 自欺欺人的拿手戲 那些破碎的夢想現實的重量 像是放狗屁 I cant find a reason give me a lesson For purpose I will living Kill the demon in my system for my own good and being Everyone wanna do something 開了口見不到證據 四處在碰壁穿梭在縫隙 尋找著光明去擁抱這勝利 骨子里天生的孤僻難免會引起周圍的妒忌 純粹的目的大不了看不到終點的我還保持均勻的呼吸 深陷在谷底留下了伏筆 積累的韻腳在處理前進靠步行腳印是證明 是我還存在的證據feel me Ill be there for the money and for the fame aye Like who can tell me whats my Fking Mission wonder who will there with me and Listen Ill be there Please Listing to this closely Take off that high hat Loosely Nobody wanna be Mr.OG Lambs coming in full speed what do I know about ? **** Ive being really want U better tell me now Tone it ******* down I say 相似的話題和同樣的觀點說白了物以類聚 看人與人群分的不同和差別聽上去都很可笑不值一提 So many bias living in lies 就喜歡囂張又無理的台詞 Give me some advice roll up the dice 天賦和運氣都集合我在此 為機會做好了準備粉碎滾燙的血液在冷卻 周圍寒冷窒息的氛圍無法辨認事實的真偽 跟隨謠言笑臉尊尊的教誨頭頂的高光很耀眼 條件反射出畫面最後才發現我繞一圈回到了原點So I