- 郭禾 Harvey K 菲利普斯的 (demo) 歌詞
- 郭禾 Harvey K
- 編曲: HARVI K
三年過去了 three years passed 我們分開好久了 we've been taken all apart 很開心看到你現在走出來了 glad to see that you move on 我也找了新的女友 and i found some other ones 當時我沒有什麼貴重的禮物送給你海邊的貝殼和花店的紫色玫瑰 ain't got ice i gave you seashells and flowers 我們把自己交給了彼此 in return you gave your heart to me 但慢慢的有了隔閡最後分開了 but then we cooled down, went separate 我以為我已經不再喜歡你了 i thought i didn't love you any more 但當你撥通我電話的時候所有的感情都重燃了 but it's all reborn when you called me 我終於意識到你是讓我心動的那一位 it's when i realize you're my crush 是第一位也是最後一位 first and last 多想你能回到身邊 girl i just want you be my shawty 故事能不能有另外一個版本 i'm asking whether there's a flipside of the story 你來找我的那一天 that day you caught me 我應該好好把握珍惜 i should have hold on 應該緊緊的握住你的手不讓你離開我 should've take your hand and give a hug instead of letting you go 撕碎那封分手信 replace Dear Jane with a rose 我應該好好把握珍惜 i should have hold on 那時還小我也沒有機會出去和你約會 back then i got no chance to date with you 過家家的年紀你去用最真摯的心對待我 kids playing house but you did make it real 我們分手後我還喜歡在人群中喊你的名字 after we broke when i saw you i called your name 我們重新成為了朋友 making poster being friends 那時很開心見到你和你的新男友的生活 glad to see your new boyfriend 我以為我已經不再喜歡你了 i thought i didn't love you any more 但當你撥通我電話的時候所有的感情都重燃了 but it's all reborn when you called me 我終於意識到你是讓我心動的那一位 it's when i realize you're my crush 是第一位也是最後一位 first and last 多想你能回到身邊 girl i just want you be my shawty 故事能不能有另外一個版本 i'm asking whether there's a flipside of the story 你來找我的那一天 that day you caught me 我應該好好把握珍惜 i should have hold on 應該緊緊的握住你的手不讓你離開我 should've take your hand and give a hug instead of letting you go 撕碎那封分手信 replace Dear Jane with a rose 我應該好好把握珍惜 i should have hold on 當我最黑暗的時候你留在我的身邊 when i'm in darkest you were my light 當沒人關心我的時候你真心地照顧我的感受 when no one cared you cared my life 你去看我在小小的舞台上唱歌的那天 took you to my anything but a live show 我多麼希望我那個時候能意識到你對我多麼重要 girl how i wish that i knew 當我最黑暗的時候你留在我的身邊 in darkest you were my light 當沒人關心我的時候你真心地照顧我的感受 when no one cared you cared my life 你給了我好多好多機會 you did give me a second chance 直到我再也沒有機會了 i screwed up now you've found your man 所以如果我開始書寫故事的另外一個版本 so if i start to write the flipside of our story 你會回來和我一起嗎 girl would you join me 我永遠等待你 i'll always open my door 我會像小時候答應你的一樣和你一起環遊這個世界 take you around this planet just like what i've promised 去秘魯和玻利維亞 Peru to Boli 我們應該好好把握珍惜 we should have hold on 當我最黑暗的時候你留在我的身邊 when i 'm in darkest you were my light 當沒人關心我的時候你真心地照顧我的感受 when no one cared you cared my life 你去看我在小小的舞台上唱歌的那天 took you to my anything but a live show 我多麼希望我那個時候能意識到你對我多麼重要 girl how i wish that i knew 當我最黑暗的時候你留在我的身邊 in darkest you were my light 當沒人關心我的時候你真心地照顧我的感受 when no one cared you cared my life 你給了我好多好多機會 you did give me a second chance 直到我再也沒有機會了 i screwed up now you've found your man