- LYN break into breakout 歌詞
- Youre striking me down
你正要用小把戲和謊言 With games and lies 將我擊倒 I trusted you but I found 我曾對你推心置腹 Your only true friend is your desire 但現在我才看清—— For playin round 你只是為了一己私利而肆意妄為 Youre out of your mind 你早已喪失心智 Youve lost control 你早已陷入癲狂 lm gonna take back whats mine 我要奪回那些曾屬於我的一切 You neer had my soul 你永遠不會擁有我的靈魂 This time you have really stepped across the line 這次你真的觸碰到我的底線了 Thieves in the palace / Full of tales and lies 化身成怪盜潛入那充斥著流言蜚語的殿堂 We got a stake in / Comin out 將你們犯下的一切罪行捆在火刑樁上焚燒殆盡 Expose the malice / That you chose to hide 將你們選擇隱藏起來的惡意統統大白於天下 lts just a break in / To break out 我們只是為了讓這一切爆發而突然闖入罷了 Breakin in so we can break out 破門而入吧,我們便能讓好戲開演 Breakin in so we can break out 破門而入吧,我們便能將敵人擊潰 Breakin in so we can break out 破門而入吧,我們便能讓罪惡終結 Breakin out! 動手吧! —— ... … Why should I believe “既然我能依靠 In anyone 欺詐與行竊過活, When I could just trick and thieve 又怎麼會需要去信任他人?” Lifes likely to have one up its sleeve 生活迫使著一些人選擇了陰謀詭計 The game is on 遊戲便這樣開始了 Were playing the odds 我們將放手一搏, Thats how its done 並贏得最終的勝利 Pretending to act like gods 雖有著如神靈般的能力 Who steal just for fun 但偷心又豈是為了好玩而已 Who cares if it means were living on the run 而誰又會去關心我們於此奔波的意義 Thieves in the palace / Full of mirrors deceit 怪盜漫步於殿堂的迷影幻鏡中 Weve had to break em / To get out 現在唯有將其徹底攻陷,方能絕處逢生 Phantoms of madness / Snapping at your feet 狂亂的幻影在你的身後緊追不捨 Weve had to break in / To break out 我們必須擊碎所有阻礙,將這一切終結 ... … Would that I might “若是在某一段 Be honest 與此不同的人生中, And gentler 我或許會變得 In some other life 誠實而更為溫和” Cause this one has been “因為如今的生活 A hard mentor 待我太過殘酷” Cant forget “無法忘記我 What lve done 做過的那些事情” Cant forget “也無法釋懷 Why 那樣做的原因” Hoping l “但願我 Got it all right 能在這場戰鬥中 In this fight 存活” Thieves in the palace / To steal your golden crown 闖入殿堂的怪盜,正準備收下你扭曲的慾望 lts just a break in / To break out 我們便是為此而突然闖入 The cry that rallies / The weak and broken down 憑著這聲吶喊,讓我們心靈中的脆弱之處變得堅強 The pain and anger / Let it out! 將心中無法壓抑的怒火與苦楚統統釋放吧! Breakin in so we can break out 破門而入吧,我們便能讓那些大人自食惡果 Breakin in so we can break out 破門而入吧,我們便能為被欺凌者帶來正義 Breakin in so we can break out 破門而入吧,我們便能打破人們心中的枷鎖 Breakin out! 將罪惡終結吧!