- ☆CRONA☆ CRONA's escape! 歌詞
- (Sampled from Soul Eater, episode 39: Crona's Escape.)
採樣來自於噬魂師第39集:古洛那的逃亡 - I don't why you're so bummed. “我不明白你為什麼看起來一點兒也不高興, Just think, we never have to look at their ugly faces again. 我們再也不用去看他們那些醜陋的臉了,這多好阿, Give it a little while, once you get home, you'll forgot all about the stupid academy! 好好想想吧,只要你回家,你就能忘了學院裡發生的一切。” - I don't think so. I can't go back to Medusa. “怎麼可能忘掉,而且我不想回美杜莎那兒。” - Huh? “你說什麼?” - I can't stay at the academy and I can't go home. I just want to be alone. “我現在哪兒都不想去,我只想自己呆著。” - A weakling like you!? You won't last two days on your own! “像你這樣手無縛雞之力還想自己呆著?你都活不過兩天! What 're you gonna do for food!? 到時候你吃什麼喝什麼? If you're not going to Medusa's, you might as well turn around and go back to the academy! 你要是不回美杜莎那兒,那就得回到學院裡去。” - Get off of me! There's no way I can go back there! “你鬆開我!我絕對不會回去的!” - Stupid kid, what is he thinking trying to starve me... - I couldn't stand them being so nice to me after I betrayed them, it was breaking my heart. “他怎麼這麼蠢,他在想什麼呢,想餓死我嗎...”“我已經背叛了他們,可他們還是對我這麼好,我受不了了,我太痛苦了。 ” - You don't know anything, you useless pansy! - Stop it! It hurts! Uh, get off of me! Get off of m- “你什麼都不懂,你就是個沒用的廢物! ” “夠了!你弄疼我了!放開我!離我遠點兒! ” - Crona's Escape; Show Me Your Smile, Please? 古洛那的逃亡:請給我你的微笑?