- Shane Feng Wrinkles 歌詞
- Shane Feng
- Always know I'm not the best guy in this world
一直都清楚自己並非天賦異秉之人 Feeling lost thinking there's no future at all 在看不到未來的時候也會感到迷茫 But when I fall and turn my head back there I see 但當我跌倒,放棄,垂頭喪氣時我看見 All my friends and families are there for me 所有我的家人和朋友都在守候著我
Verse1 Verse1 生命?這是一個美妙的詞語 Life huh? Ain't it a pretty word 如果無須經歷苦難也許會更加美妙 it goes a lot prettier without feeling hurt 我們為什麼來到這個世界 Why do we come to this world? 需要承受忍耐的事情那麼多 There's so much we suffer 人們互相傷害無論是敵人或是愛人 People break each other's heart, enemies or lovers 我們活在世上並不是為了一較高低 We didn't live this life for comparisons, 如果可以我會選擇隱居漫步在巴黎街頭 If I choose I might take a walk in Paris 儘管不是嗜酒之人亦要淺嚐一口美酒 Take a nice wine even though allergic to it 感受那份自由塞納河的微風伴隨我的呼吸 Still feel the free, La Saine's breeze, then breathe in 我感受到那清新的空氣在我體內躍動鼓舞 Yeah I feel the air in me playing energetic anthem 隨手挑選一個百香果檸檬味的馬卡龍 Pick a yellow macaroon with passion fruits and lemons 拿起一支香煙感受不一樣的自己 Don't smoke yet I grab myself a cigarette 點燃看著火花變成灰燼 Light it up, let the sparkles turn down to ash 就像尼古丁一樣這就是生命的歷程 Like nicotine, man, this is how life works 最終都會化為烏有所以又何必擔憂 All end up in ashes so don't even bother 跟從你內心的指引勇於嘗試 Just give a try whenever you hear your voice inside 人生一回了無遺憾我們做得其實並不差 No regrets, this life, we're doing out just fine 一直都清楚自己並非天賦異秉之人
在看不到未來的時候也會感到迷茫 Always know I'm not the best guy in this world 但當我跌倒,放棄,垂頭喪氣時我看見 Feeling lost thinking there's no future at all 所有我的家人和朋友都在守候著我 But when I fall and turn my head back there I see Verse 2 All my friends and families are there for me 我曾親眼見證這個世界的支離破碎
絕望的人們撕心裂肺 Verse 2 無助的流浪漢在每個街角路燈下的垃圾堆裡尋覓殘羹剩飯 I've seen the bloody world broke into pieces with my own eyes 我開始擔憂 Desperate people grievous cries 為了家人、朋友和自己 Helpless homeless seeking for leftovers every trash corner down the traffic lights 為了所有還沒能看透世事的人 Then I got a bit worried 因為他們無法證明給自己這殘酷已讓他們對生活妥協 For friends, for myself, for family 人應該永遠自愛他們卻丟失了自己 For all the ones that couldn't see through to the end 我們應該充滿激情但並非劍拔弩張 For they can't prove this cruelness is dragging them to truce 生活有起有落但這就是人生 They lose themselves before one should love yourself forever 我們昂首闊步至死方休 We show the world with our passion but not a fiercely dagger 我的生活是一團糟但我從不輕言放棄 We going ups and downs but c'est la vie my brother 我們經歷過暴風雨才能見到太陽 We walk head held high, until we die we surrender 振作起來吧有那麼多人關愛著你 I know my life is a mess, never had I said give up 堅強地站起來成為最好的自己 We'll go through thunder storm until we see the sun 一直都清楚自己並非天賦異秉之人 Now come on man, with all the people that love you 在看不到未來的時候也會感到迷茫 On your feet, you're coming back in crazy superman's power suits 但當我跌倒,放棄,垂頭喪氣時我看見
所有我的家人和朋友都在守候著我 Always know I 'm not the best guy in this world Feeling lost thinking there's no future at all But when I fall and turn my head back there I see All my friends and families are there for me