- GAME - G94/DopeLit
I dont need money to buy respect Game of thrones let me play with that G94 warlord standing last Release the beast yeah I gone mad How can I truth these silly man Snitch themself on those silly track How many time that u still have Protect ya neck before turn to ash I dont need money to buy respect Game of thrones let me play with that G94 warlord standing last Release the beast yeah I gone mad How can I truth these silly man Snitch themself on those silly track How many time that u still have Protect ya neck before turn to ash I can be friendly or turn deadly it depends on wut u want from me Scratch my back and Ill scratch yours too gully riddim vro gang big family Far East lion our claws ritching living in jungle 獵人在聚集 Winter is coming deadman walking prays running 屍首全分離 Look at these clown boy thought u was gang boi Why ur hands shaking u r the man yea Say u gone be big say u gone be lit Where u r now boi wut u gone say wut 原來在井底視野如螞蟻 無聊的flexing 是你的極限 格局的差異實力的差距 不要再懷疑watch me and learn yea Watch me and learn yea 黑色的血液分泌出黑煙 覆蓋你視線 模糊你視線 快讓我聽見哀嚎的聲線 3維的世界是你的終點 是你的終點又回到了起點
Lookin at da miror I saw demon inside me Bloody homicide that b**ch I got hellbound they ride with me Money money pu* *y pu**y all yall rust in 6 feet deep Money money pu**y pu**y and I Neva gonna sleep
I dont need money to buy respect Game of thrones let me playwith that G94 warlord standing last Release the beast yeah I gone mad How can I truth these silly man Snitch themself on those silly track How many time that u still have Protect ya neck before turn to ash I dont need money to buy respect Game of thrones let me play with that G94 warlord standing last Release the beast yeah I gone mad How can I truth these silly man Snitch themself on those silly track How many time that u still have Protect ya neck before turn to ash DL: Always cool 他們看我們always cool 看不到我吃的ghetto的苦 吐 岔道的路 滿地的苦水 吞噬腳步 螞蟻上了樹也想張開翅膀飛 卻飛進了誰的嘴 只不過命運的輪迴 你們的格局在樹敵 動不動就想爭第一 垃圾就只能搶垃圾 淹沒在時間洪流裡 我們dont care 尋找生命的真諦 愛與恨都有意義 愛我的一定會看得起你 恨我的都會被愛我的搞定 還不是都稱兄道弟
滿嘴的pu**y 滿嘴的money 我根本都不想听 骯髒的目的都沒有意義 說太多都沒人聽 找不到自己被社會定義 失去活力的生命 得不到想要的一切 得不到別人肯定 而我們是叢林的野獸 踩著你脆弱的骨頭 碾過這city所有的街頭 滿地的羽毛和devil 如果看到紅色眼球 別懷疑我在你背後 把你的信仰全偷走 玩弄你在十字路口 腐朽的木偶 迷路的骷髏 迷失的怒吼 你聽到了沒有 G94: I dont need money to buy respect Game of thrones let me play with that G94 warlord standing last Release the beast yeah I gone mad How can I truth these silly man Snitch themself on those silly track How many time that u still have Protect ya neck before turn to ash I dont need money to buy respect Game of thrones let me play with that G94 warlord standing last Release the beast yeah I gone mad How can I truth these silly man Snitch themself on those silly track How many time that u still have Protect ya neck before turn to ash