- Wildcat! Wildcat! Nothing Below 歌詞
- Wildcat! Wildcat!
夠了,停下尋找的腳步吧 Alright looking for nothing below 當你跟著狹窄的小道追尋著可望不可即 Alright when youre following the narrow arrow narrow arrow 停下吧,這注定沒有結果 Alright looking for nothing below 當你隨著無盡的幻夢憤憤而行 Alright when youre following the narrow arrow narrow arrow 停下盲目的腳步吧
你應該有所作為的啊! Take nothing 行了,不要再浪費寶貴的時間了 Its got to be got to be loud 當你陷入無窮無盡的苦海 Alright looking for nothing below 喔 Alright when youre following the narrow arrow narrow arrow 閉上眼睛仔細想想 Oh-oh 當你快要被夢魘吞噬 Alright looking for nothing below 喔 Alright when youre following the narrow arrow narrow arrow 回過身來告訴我你憂鬱的過往吧
盡可轉過頭來告訴我你不開心的秘密 Oh-oh 你大可向我傾訴你的一切 Turn round round turn telling me something telling me 讓我帶領你 Turn round taking a round turn telling me something telling me 抖擻抖擻精神
轉變就此開始 Turn round taking a round turn telling me something telling me 皎潔月光高懸天空感覺正好
抖掉一切包袱重回笑容滿面 Shake it shake it turn around 我們正似潔白天使將要升上天空 Shake it shake it turn around 永不墜落的明月將我們點亮 Shake it shake it turn around 彷彿就要融入這潔白的天空 White light moonlight feels right 抖擻精神冉冉上升 Shake it turn around 明月高掛天空閃耀 White light up in the sky 月光如水引領我們 Moonlight down over us 彷彿就要消弭一切苦難 Feels right fading tonight 從此醒悟回到巔峰 Shake it turn around 就在今晚,改變一切 White light up in the sky 拋掉一切過往,大可完美轉變 Moonlight down over us 正是今晚,你熠熠生輝 Feels right fading tonight 引領這一切 Shake it turn around 讓他們都看好 Tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight 我就將重回巔峰! Shake it turn around Tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight Shake it turn around Shake it turn around Shake it turn around