- $AWFT TOP Crew (Prod by 張傑峻) 歌詞
- FT-1 $AWFT
Shout to my TOP gang gang 藝術團 China growl 讓外國hater氣急暴躁 Last shot like jordan把對手打爆 腳踩勝利帶領大家迎接下一個榮耀 不會輸不會輸聽好這是我hood Pull the trigger to the hater killing worldwide Fxxkinggun is loaded. I am ready to the fight. Money and bixxhes worry me lose my mind. Your puxxy tastes good make me fxxking so high 只想功成名就艱苦奮鬥為了生活不甘落後 相濡以沫鋤強扶弱帶領兄弟們患難與共 精彩絕倫的show 還有開掛般的flow 讓你陷入這個trap 解除束縛開始瘋狂roll ***** A ***** B ***** C fxxking ***** D Start from the bottom I'm SAF to the T 開始戒酒嚴守自律現在只喝養生Tea like Qauvo fxxking puxxy gold Ice tray the teen 中國製造in my veins ay 一天三頓吃rice ay 沉睡五千年獅子ay 勸你別招惹放肆ay 完完全全Diss李puxxy 面對他們的質疑我不會選擇逃避 Fxxkinganties不會退縮我會正面出擊 Venom attracks my body so hungry puxxy your batter run ang Hiphop let me got carzy **** memory fxxking gone ang Face the to the hater I always hand down man down Told the world listen China's power is coming 1$47~ ×8 這是1$47紀念2018的cpyer 毅力驅使著我抬腿邁步向前到forever forever family want to open up my hood 遇到困難我們從來不會說不 FT已經準備好了站在風口浪尖 這一段verse其實我也就只寫了一天 我或許會聽取你們的哪些辣雞意見 但是妄想阻止我們我們還要繼續逆天 1$47的風格猜不透 保持神秘感的隨時變化反正就是秀 讓聽眾豎起耳朵在大聲的喊6 那些fake rapper我只想說噓 玩的轉的flow我們來自TOP 用最轟炸的show Shout to do double G 噠啦噠啦噠我們技巧嫻熟 那些聽不懂的告訴你這叫藝術 烏托邦式的理想構建我偉大的經典 朝著我的目標飛弛正在一點點是實現 那些puxxy看著我的money都還想著套現 我相信我的努力不會只是曇花一現 Killing the beat worldwide Pull the trigger the hate Let you poison the trap fxxk puxxy Not attack my gang Guess the who's king is back Careful going to blow your head We are strafe crazy,Puxxy said I was crazy they can't stand it Pull up up welcome the party,bro Bixxhes You don't know me no more These sucker want hate me to beat me that sounds like a joke. Listen I'm fxxk busy noble I can break all the rules Your bixxh sucks my dxxk and fxxk me as the best proof 1$47~ ×4 China growl讓外國hater氣急暴躁 Last shot like jordan把對手打爆 腳踩勝利帶領大家迎接下一個榮耀 不會輸不會輸聽好這是我hood China growl 讓外國hater氣急暴躁 Last shot like jordan把對手打爆 腳踩勝利帶領大家迎接下一個榮耀 不會輸不會輸we are we are TOP crew 製作人:DJCC。