- Tom MacDonald fake woke 歌詞
- Tom MacDonald
- I think it's crazy I'm the one who they labeled as controversial
這太瘋狂了,原來我就是那個被他們貼上爭議標籤的人 And Cardi B is the role model for twelve year old girls 卡迪B是所有12歲女孩們的榜樣 There's rappers pushing Xanax at the top of the Billboard 說唱歌手們將Xanax推崇至美國公告牌的第一 But if I mention race in a song I'm scared I'll get killed for it 但如果我在一首歌裡提到種族,我害怕我會因此死於非命 It's backwards, it's getting exponentially dumb 事實恰恰想反,而且變得越來越糟糕了 It's more difficult to get a job than purchase a gun 可笑的是,購買槍支竟比找份工作容易 Eminem used to gay bash and murder his mom 埃米納姆過去經常痛打同性戀者,並謀殺了他的母親 And now he doesn't want fans if they voted for Trump 然而現在他並不希望粉絲們給特朗普投票 We're ashamed to be American, you should probably love it 我們為自己是美國人而蒙羞,雖然也許你喜歡這個國家 'Cause you have the right to say it and not get strung up in public 因為你有權利這樣說出來,而不是選擇在公共場合當眾發飆 As children we were taught how to walk and talk 我們在孩堤時便被教導如何走路和說話 But the system wants adults to sit down and shut up 但當今社會卻希望成年人坐下然後緘口不語 Cancel culture runs the world now, the planet went crazy 所以現在停止以文化統治這個世界的一切行為吧,否則地球將會變得一團糟 Label everything we say as homophobic or racist 把我們所說的一切都貼上仇視同性戀或種族歧視的標籤 If you're white then you're privileged, guilty by association 如果你是白人,可能你會覺得自己擁有特權,但伴隨而來的卻是罪惡感 All our childhood heroes got MeToo'd or they're rapists 所有我們儿時的英雄都被我騙了,否則他們就會成為強姦犯 They never freed the slaves 他們從未解放奴隸 They realized that they don't need chains 他們意識到他們其實不需要鐵鍊 They gave us tiny screens, we think we free 'cause we can't see the cage 他們只是給了我們小小的庇護,我們就以為我們自由了,因為我們看不到這個籠子 They knew thatrace war would be the game they'd need to play 他們也清楚種族戰爭將是他們需要操控的遊戲 For people to pick teams, they use the media to feed the flame 針對那些挑選隊伍的人,他們懂得利用媒體來傳遞信息
他們如此虛偽,事實上他們並不在乎別人的感受 They so fake woke, facts don't care about feelings 他們不會告訴我該相信什麼 They know they won't tell me what to believe in 他們如此虛偽,彷彿老舊但安全的舒適區 They so fake woke, same old, safe zones 他們如此虛偽,事實上他們並不會理會你的感受 They so fake woke, facts don't care about your feelings 這些人尖叫著大喊“我們要事實”,卻假裝清醒,這太瘋狂了
他們憎恨他們的鄰居,只因他戴著面具或者呆在家裡 I think it's crazy how these people screaming 'facts' but they fake woke 他有一個女兒,但他最喜歡的藝術家說他殘忍殺戮 Hate their neighbor 'cause he wears a mask or he stays home 放學時將女兒接回家,在回家的路上音樂響起 Has a daughter but his favorite artist said he slays hoes 審查制度是一個問題,因為那些人能夠隨意選擇剔除什麼 Picks her up from school, music slaps on the way home 仇恨言論和你所憎恨的言論之間是有區別的 Censorship's an issue 'cause they choose what they erase 我認為【黑人的生命很重要】是最愚蠢的名字 There's a difference between hate speech and speech that you hate 當這個社會把每個人都弄得一模一樣的時候 I think Black Lives Matter was the stupidest name 我只想和家人一起過感恩節,吃好吃的東西 When the system's screwing everyone exactly the same 而不是因慶祝當地人的傷亡的罪名從而被指控 I just wanna spend Thanksgiving Day with food and my family 我們被分成了黑人、白人和政治派別 Without being accused of celebrating native casualties 共和黨人是偏執者,亦是自由主義者 We got so divided as black and white and political 街道上發生了騷亂,而且情況越來越糟 Republicans are bigots, libtards if you're liberal 大家尖叫著將警察嚇跑,你們都是好樣的 There's riots in our streets and it's just getting worse 他們已經沒有足夠的錢了,加之太忙而不能工作 Y'all screaming defund the police, y'all are genius for sure 點些吃的,或者叫警察,看看你會先得到什麼 They're underfunded already, they're way too busy to work 都說種族隔離結束了,但這本身就是個謊言 Order food and call the cops, see what reaches you first 這確實是個讓我們覺得我們在努力幫助別人的妙計 Segregation ended, that's a lie in itself 他們知道,如果打著種族主義的名號進行銷售的話,生意一定會很火爆 That was a strategy to make us think that we're trying to help 我們必然把每一個盒子都買下,然後分好 They knew that racism was hot if they designed it to sell 他們如此虛偽,事實上他們並不在乎別人的感受 We buy up every single box and divide us ourselves 他們不會告訴我該相信什麼
他們如此虛偽,彷彿老舊但安全的舒適區 They so fake woke, facts don't care about feelings 他們如此虛偽,事實上他們並不會理會你的感受 They know they won't tell me what to believe in 使用暴力來獲得和平,竟還想知道為什麼那樣不起作用 They so fake woke, same old, safe zones 那就像是和一支足球隊的人睡在一起,還想試著做個處女 They so fake woke, facts don't care about your feelings 政客生來是遊說眾人去接受他們的思想立場的,也總會有人接受
但你我負擔不起,我們的民主是一文不值的 Use violence to get peace and wonder why it isn't working 如果一個人有精神病,我們默默地這樣想就行了 That's like sleeping with a football team to try and be a virgin 當國家變得一團糟,我們會把它當作社會去接納 Politicians are for sale and someone always makes the purchase 生病了就吃藥,讓那藥的副作用使你興奮 But you and I cannot afford it, our democracy is worthless 你會像這些說唱歌手一樣沉迷於清醒地作爭鬥 If a man has mental illness call him crazy, say it silently 深究事實真相會把我們的孩子變成白痴 When countries going crazy we accept it as society 他們說這是為我們的安全著想,但我會告訴你真相到底是什麼 Get sick and take a pill when the side effects get you high 刪除有關賦予所有公民以權力的信息 You get addicted likethese rappers dying fighting with sobriety 真相不會損害那些合法的觀點半分 Censoring the facts turns our children into idiots 他們試圖向男女致意 They claim it's for our safety, I'll tell you what it really is 我們怎能坐視他們把祈禱變成一種微型攻擊不管 Removing information that empowers all the citizens 還祈求上帝賜給我們力量來保持勝利 The truth doesn't damage points of view that are legitimate 我們通過欺騙來達成目的,接著還請求他們原諒 They're tryna change amen to amen and women 女權主義曾是最正義的鬥爭 How'd we let them make praying a microaggression? 但現在他們覺得自己暗地裡討厭男人 Instead of asking God for the strength to keep winning 我不相信這世上會存在一個流血一周而不死的人 We cheat to get ahead and then we ask 'em for forgiveness 抱歉開個玩笑,但除此之外我所說的都是對的
他們如此虛偽,事實上他們並不在乎別人的感受 Feminism used to be the most righteous of fights 他們不會告訴我該相信什麼 But these days it feels like they secretly hate guys 他們如此虛偽,彷彿老舊但安全的舒適區 I don't trust anyone who bleeds for a week and don't die 他們如此虛偽,事實上他們並不會理會你的感受 I'm just kidding, but everything else that I said is right
They so fake woke, facts don't care about feelings They know they won't tell me what to believe in They so fake woke, same old, safe zones They so fake woke, facts don't care about your feelings