- 俞赫璇Lovia IT GIRL 歌詞
- 俞赫璇Lovia
- 編曲:俞赫璇Lovia
錄音:陳冠男@Tweak Tone Labs 混音:王博 和聲/製作人:俞赫璇Lovia 母帶:俞赫璇Lovia 說什麼都可以 素未謀面故事就隨意添筆 你又聽說什麼我傳奇撰記 風輕雲淡是非搬弄的含蓄 又在不知名的角落蔓延空虛 傳播著不屬於自己的戲劇 不受控制的言論就像種疾病 混淆著視聽潛入你肌理Yeah Yeah, don't talk about me Talk about me Talk about me You think you know much about me,Hmm? Gossip on me Gossip on me Gossip on me 我是你戒不掉的興趣
Cuz I' m the it girl, but you are not you want to be me, i bet that's hard 走在光明處大步向前胯下帶著風 你躲在我影子裡憎恨又渴望的怪獸 你想做it girl, but you are not don't try to be me, replica 不可複制的獨特只屬於我沒有人是我 再多對立只把我 變成更強者
你說什麼和我沒關係 越嘈雜的聲音越讓人清醒 我關掉了耳朵心更加純淨 擁有善良和自信我感謝上帝
要謝謝上帝 給了我自由魂靈 和能打破規則的叛逆 給我足夠多的勇氣 能不在意貶低與批評 讓我有做判斷的能力 也讓我有專注的定力 so when you talk about me talk about me talk about me you sure you know all about me, hmm ? Gossip on me Gossip on me Gossip on me 生命浪費的毫無意義
Say I'm the it girl, but you are not You wanna be me, but that's so hard 飛馳在夢想的高速路眼裡亮著燈 落在我背後議論紛紛又效顰的小丑 你想做it girl, but you are not don't try to be me, replica 不可替代的奇特只屬於我只有我是我 就做自己最快活 I'm still the it girl, you still are not you wanna beat me, you want it hard 放肆在希望的外太空大口吸氧層 你封閉在沒有靈魂的真空中做著夢 你想做it girl, no you can not don't try to be me, don't try so hard 不可思議的珍貴就僅此一個不可多得 做限量的獨行者 你遠遠觀摩 你只能觀摩