- jaytee 一己之力 歌詞
- jaytee
- 曲:One Man Can Change The World
They used to tell me 旁人常說 I hope you learn to make it on your own 希望你逐漸成長 If your love yourself just know youll never be alone 心存自尊你就永不孤單 I hope you get everything you wanted that you chose 願你所願都能實現 I hope that its the realest thing that you ever know 願你謹記這些箴言 Hope you get the pretty girls, is pretty at everything 願你找到十全十美的她 Million dollar cribs havin million dollar dreams 坐擁百萬豪宅野心不息 And when you get it all just remember one thing 當你如願以償依然要記住一件事情 Remember one thing 要有那個信念 One man could change the world 一己之力從未渺小 One man could change the world 一己之力也能改變世界 隔著玻璃感受到來自你的氣息 走到今天十八年記憶太多無法記清 你大概忘記那晚來到這個世界的情形 但你父母的表情你可以百分百肯定 生活對你們來講從來都不會太過簡單 身份未合法對計生辦只好說謊話 再兜個圈再轉個彎至少未被拆散 總會措手不及總有禮物亦或炸彈 Another dawn another day 生活從來都沒有兒戲 握著一副爛牌怎樣打好都要看時機 每一日都有不同人的死訊但每一日都有人出生 人生本就是悲喜交加的一份作品 為什麼要怨天尤人? 人生無常無法改變但記得 第一握緊支筆第二為弱者發出聲音 第三堅持只要認為是真 說真的這個世界從來都不缺doubter 只要堅持你的內心 I hope you learn to make it on your own 希望你逐漸成長 If your love yourself just know youll never be alone 心存自尊你就永不孤單 I hope you get everything you wanted that you chose 願你所願都能實現 I hope that its the realest thing that you ever know 願你謹記這些箴言 Hope you get the pretty girls, is pretty at everything 願你找到十全十美的她 Million dollar cribs havin million dollar dreams 坐擁百萬豪宅野心不息 And when you get it all just remember one thing 當你如願以償依然要記住一件事情 Remember one thing 要有那個信念 One man could change the world 一己之力從未渺小 One man could change the world 一己之力也能改變世界 逐漸意識到家人的未來寄託在你身上 只好野蠻生長不再去計較斤兩無人分享 大家都筑起心牆沒人再發表感想 一路走來都忘記欣賞背後的甘香但將酒又斟上 你自命不凡但可惜事實始終平庸 好說句真話你想成為他們心目中的英雄 但此刻你睡眼惺忪惰性侵襲到頭腦 成為你最討厭的人有日變得八面玲瓏無人敲響警鐘 亦都再無人願意義無反顧地陪你由頭到尾 有什麼看不過眼第一個出來和你講道理 但攤開講你從來都不孤單 逆向而行的人有千千萬現在也還會有人吟誦《聲聲慢》 既然你的父母都可以在貧民窟到當下 從無到有你心知肚明過程從來都不簡單 一步一步你想做得東西為什麼不能做到 保持你的態度踏著這條道路一直到老 I hope you learn to make it on your own 希望你逐漸成長 If your love yourself just know youll never be alone 心存自尊你就永不孤單 I hope you get everything you wanted that you chose 願你所願都能實現 I hope that its the realest thing that you ever know 願你謹記這些箴言 Hope you get the pretty girls, is pretty at everything 願你找到十全十美的她 Million dollar cribs havin million dollar dreams 坐擁百萬豪宅野心不息 And when you get it all just remember one thing 當你如願以償依然要記住一件事情 Remember one thing 要有那個信念 One man could change the world 一己之力從未渺小 One man could change the world 一己之力也能改變世界