- Stu Larsen Seaforth Mackenzie 歌詞
- Stu Larsen
- Seaforth mackenzie rode his bike into the night
海福斯·麥肯齊於茫茫夜色中踏上了他的腳踏車 He found himself a man among the trees 樹影婆娑中,他感覺自己與樹並行 Trading the warmth of day to search for something more 交換白天的溫暖,以此來找尋更多未知的東西 Under the moon beneath the leaves 皎潔月光下,葉片的芳香撲鼻而來 Are we moving anywhere at all 我們可要遷往某地 Cradled by the comfort in the cold floor 愜意地躺臥在冰涼的地面 And the open road that stretches 暢通的道路綿延前伸 By the wayside fire 路兩旁的灶火升起裊裊炊煙 Wayfaring strangers gave the safety of a bed 陌生的旅人讓床的安全感不言而喻 To find their rest upon the breeze 在徐徐微風中尋找棲息地 They put their trust in he who opened up the door 輕推房門的那個男人早就贏得了大家的信任 Found home wherever they may be 他們四海為家 Are we moving anywhere at all 我們是否又要遷往他處 Cradled by the comfort in the cold floor 愜意地躺臥在冰涼的地面 And the open road that stretches 暢通的道路綿延前伸 By the wayside fire 路兩旁的灶火升起裊裊炊煙 Seaforth mackenzie rode his bike into the night 海福斯·麥肯齊於茫茫夜色中踏上了他的腳踏車 He found himself a man among the trees 樹影婆娑中,他感覺自己在與樹並行