- verzache these Walls 歌詞
- verzache
Someone 某個人說 told me 我獨自一人 I won't be loved [00:25.949}不會被愛 Broken 心支離破碎 all burnt up 烈火將它們包圍 Fix me 幫幫我 patch me up 填補那些空洞的地方 I'm broken 這裡一片狼藉
I-I-I 我 (low)I-I-I 我 I-I-I 我 I feel wanted 我想感到被愛 I feel needed 我想感到被需要 I can't breathe 壓迫到無法呼吸 Coping 應付那些事情 boxed up 將自己封閉 Heartburn 心陣陣炙熱灼燒 no heart 它快要消失了 Blocked in 思緒如麻 My phone 將手機關機 broke me 身心一片狼藉 Please don't 不要這樣好嗎 block it 要怎麼阻止它 I'm facing 我面對著的
These walls 隔閡 Your face, your heart 容貌和心跳 Our thoughts 還有那些想法 I need a new start 新的起點在哪 These walls, I-I-I, I-I-I 為什麼越不過那堵牆
Catch me whole, take my bones 烙印刻骨禁錮住我 I fall down 為什麼越不過那堵牆 Cast my lung, brittle love 脆弱的感情化作煙霧繚繞在肺 Lose my breath 喘不上氣
Almost someone 某個人 told me 告訴我 I won't be there 那裡只有我自己 Brokеn 心狼狽不堪 all burnt up 火焰包裹住它們 Fix me 幫幫我 patch me up 修補那些縫隙 Outside of thеse walls 在那堵牆的另一邊 Your face, your heart 你的容貌和心跳 Our thoughts 還有那些想法 I need a new start 我該怎麼重新開始 These walls, I-I-I, I-I-I 怎麼越過這裡
I woke up and my lungs are shit 指尖的氣味喚醒我 I been smoking much more than I once did 地上煙頭堆積如山 I just woke up and my lungs are shit 肺裡一片狼藉 I been smoking 煙霧繚繞我清醒了嗎
(I woke up and my lungs are shit) 菸鹼滲透進我的血液和皮膚 (I been smoking much more than I once did) 盒子丟的到處都是 In my bed 獨自躺在床上眼神倦疲夾雜血絲 All my messages unread 那些訊息沒有一條屬於你 Cooped up, all alone 沒有精力理會 I need you, oh 我需要你啊