- Phil Ochs The Highwayman 歌詞
- Phil Ochs
- The Highwayman - Phil Ochs
The wind was a torrent of darkness 風,是黑暗的急流
在驟然洶湧的樹浪間 Among the gusty trees 月,是三桅帆船 The moon was a ghostly galleon 幽靈般顛簸在雲海上
路,是一條月光織成的緞帶 Tossed upon the cloudy seas 飄然於紫色荒野 The road was a ribbon of moonlight 這時強盜縱馬奔來 Over the purple moor 飛奔,飛奔 And the highwayman came riding 強盜飛奔而來 Riding riding 疾停在路旁那古老的客棧門邊 Yes the highwayman came riding 馬蹄碎步 Up to the old indoor 黑色院子卵石喀塔 Over the cobbles he clattered 他用鞭子輕打百葉窗 And clashed in the dark innyard 客棧門窗緊閉 And he tapped with his whip on the shutters 他仰首對窗口輕吹一曲 But all was locked and barred; 誰在那兒等待 So he whistled a tune to the window 是房東的黑眸女兒 Who should be waiting there 房東的女兒貝絲 But the landlord's black eyed daughter 她正將深紅的不變愛結 Bess the landlord's daughter 綁在長長黑髮上 Plaiting a dark red love knot “來吻一下親愛的, Into her long black hair 今晚我要追逐一筆財寶 One kiss my bonny sweetheart 我將帶著黃金歸來
在早晨的第一縷陽光前; I'm after a prize tonight 如果我遇上麻煩, But I shall be back with the yellow gold 被糾纏一整天, Before the morning light; 那麼在月光下為我守望 Yet if they press me sharply 在月光下等我歸來 And harry me through the day 我將在月光下回到你身邊 Then look for me by moonlight 即便闖過地獄。 ” Watch for me by the moonlight 拂曉時他沒回來 And I'll come to thee by moonlight 晌午時他沒回來 Though hell should bar the way 茶色夕陽下 He did not come at the dawning; 月亮尚未升起 No he did not come at noon 驛道如吉普賽緞帶 And out of the tawny sunset 回游曲繞在紫色荒野上 Before the rise of the moon 一群紅衣的英國士兵列隊行軍 When the road was a gypsy's ribbon 行軍,行軍 Looping the purple moor 喬治國王的士兵 Oh a red coat troop came marching 湧到這座古老客棧的門前 Marching marching 他們把她捆綁起來 King George's men came marching 吃吃獰笑 Up to the old indoor 他們在她身上捆了一杆槍 They boought the landlow catter 槍口正對她胸膛 With many a sniggering jest; “來,好好站崗!” They had bound a musket beside her 他們調戲吻她 With the barrel beneath her breast 這時她又聽見 Now keep good watch “在月光下為我守望 And they kissed her 在月光下等我歸來 She heard the dead man say 我將在月光下回到你身邊
即便闖過地獄。” Look for me by moonlight “在月光下為我守望”
馬蹄聲由遠而至 Watch for me by moonlight “在月光下等我歸來” And I'll come to thee by moonlight 難道他們聾了,難道他們沒聽見? Though hell should bar the way 沿山脊垂下,強盜疾馳奔來 Look for me by moonlight 她深深的吸了最後一口氣 Look it again in clear 然後她的手指在月光下扣動 Watch for me by moonlight 槍聲震碎了這個世界的月光 Where they dead that they did not here for he 撕碎了她的胸膛 Road down the Gypsy highway 以死警示她的愛人 She brings one final brother That her finger move then the moon light 他策馬向西 Her must keep shat her the moonlight 他不知道她立在那裡
她依在槍膛上 And then shat her brighten the moonlight 滿是她的鮮血 And walk him with her down 終於在黎明前明白這槍聲 Oh 他面如死灰 He turned; he spurred to the west; 阿,貝絲,房東的女兒 He did not know who stood 老房東的黑眸姑娘 Now with her black over follow down 在月光下為愛守望整整一夜 Drenched with her own red blood 死在濃黑的夜色中 No not till the dawn had heard it; 他瘋狂地策馬回頭 And his face grew grey to hear 尖聲詛咒刺破了天空 How Bess the landlord's daughter 身後蒼白的驛道塵土飛揚 The landlord's black eyed daughter 他揮舞長劍 Had watched for her love in the moonlight And died in the darkness there 午夜月光下 Back he spurred like a madman 是他鮮紅的馬刺 Shrieking a curse to the sky 酒紅天鵝絨大衣 With the white road smoking 他們把他射倒在大路上 Behind him and his rapier Brandished high 如狗一般躺在大路上 Blood red were the spurs 他的鮮血淌滿大地 Then the golden noon; 染紅了他腭下紮帶飄飄 Wine red was his velvet coat 於是某個冬天的夜晚,人們依然會說 When they shot him down 當風湧林間 On the highway 當月如三桅帆船 Down like a dog on the highway 幽靈般顛簸在雲海上 And he lay in his blood on the highway 當路似一條月光織成的緞帶 With the bunch of lace at his throat 飄然於紫色荒野 And still of a winter's night they say 一個強盜會縱馬奔來 When the wind is in the trees 飛奔,飛奔 When the moon is a ghostly galleon 一個強盜飛奔而來 Tossed upon the cloudy seas 疾停在路旁那古老的客棧門邊 When the road is a ribbon of moonlight Over the purple moor Oh a highwayman comes riding Riding riding Yes a highwayman comes riding Up to the old indoor